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A Bit of background info on Aviv Geffen

It's Only The Moonlight 1991

Now It's Cloudy 1993

Aviv Geffen III 1994

No Place

The Letter

Full Moon Compilation


White Nights



Aviv was born on the 10th of May 1973 in Tel Hashomer hospital, Tel Aviv. Coming from a well known family( his father Yonatan is perhaps one of the most important poets in Israel, and other family members include Ezer Weizman and Moshe Dayan.) anything he did would be classed as controversial.
At the age of 8 he wrote his first song, taught himself to play six instruments, and devoted himself to music rather than to school.( He left after the eighth grade) He and his band The Mistakes stood out immediately against the Israeli pop mainstream. They were politically radical, and Aviv was visually distinctive with his costumes and make-up when compared with the usual jeans and T-shirts worn by most performers at the time. Musically he was influenced by British and American artists of the 60‘s who saw music as an instrument of social revolution, such as Bob Dylan, and The Beatles. He advocated conscientious objection.(His controversial and well publicised failure to serve in the IDF was based on these ideals, rather than health problems-He has a 20 cm metal rod in his spine) His first album ‘It's Only The Moonlight’ was released in 1991 when he was 18 and instantly became a hit. His songs are poignant and beautiful, dealing with love, loneliness, alcohol, drugs, peace, in addition to problems within society in general.
On 4th November 1995 at the peace rally in Tel Aviv he became the last person to embrace Yitzhak Rabin after singing his song ‘I Cry For You’ after this he became a national peace symbol for Israel's youth. As time has gone on he may not be the angry young man that he once was, his songs have taken on a mellower quality, but the same messages are expressed, the world could be changed for the better if people continue to hope, and believe in peace and love.

Memento Mori

The Mistakes

Aviv's band The Mistakes appear on all of the albums, with the exception of Hallulim. The line up has had a few changes over the years, but at present the current line up consists of Harel Ben-Ami (Guitar), Shlomi Keinan (Keyboards), Daniel Salomon (Piano and Keyboards), Oded Shahar (Drums), and Shlomi Tzadki (Bass)

The Mistakes, from left to right; Shlomi Keinan, Daniel Salomon, Harel Ben Ami, Oded Shahar, Shlomi Tzadki, and Aviv Geffen