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C-Mail: The E-mail service to Ships on Sat-C
(Shore to Ship E-Mail Service)

Procedure | Tariff | Payments | Application Form | FAQ

The Idea
There used to be a time when in case of an emergency at home the relatives of seafarers used to run from pillar to post just to convey a short message to the seafarer. But now with the onset of the revolution in communications it has become possible to not only send but also receive all types of messages to/from any ship sailing anywhere in the world and all this while sitting inside your house and knowing that the email will reach the ship instantly.

A Dream come true for Seafarers who care for their families.

With the implementation of GMDSS all vessels are now fitted with a Satcom-C terminal on board. All these Sat-C terminals irrespective of their make are now capable of receiving email from Shore.

Singapore Telecom being one of the biggest and most efficient Maritime Communications service providers in Asia over the years needs no further introduction. Singapore Telecom provides a complete email service to sat-C terminals. The vessels Sat-C terminal also receives this message as an email and it is also possible to send email attachments. This "Mail-65 Sentosa Inmarsat-C " service which till recently was only the privilege of Shipping companies is now being made available to all shore email users.

The Shipping company or the vessel receiving the e-mail is in no way involved in the handling, accounting and charging part of the Shore-Ship segment of this service and all invoices will be sent directly to the shore email user by Elektronik Lab / Seainfo International, Mumbai .


The Procedure

The Shore user needs to register as an C-Mail user. All you need to do is to complete the C-Mail Application form and provide your email address or addresses and the name of the ship and Inmarsat-C number of the vessel. Shore users not having their own PC can also register any of their web based email addresses like hotmail, Yahoo etc. There is no additional hardware or software which would be required to be installed on board or on the shore side.

Search for your vessels Inmarsat Identity.

Sending e-mail to ship- Address the email to the ship as follows: (mobile number)

e.g. (ln = lowercase LN)

Sentosa LES automatically tries both the Indian, Pacific, Atlantic (E & W) Ocean Regions.

Under normal circumstances it takes 5 minutes for the email to reach the ships sat-C terminal.


Shore to Ship: US$ 0.18 per 256 bits (Rs. 9.00 per 256 bits payable in INR)

As per the international norm all messages via Sat-C are chargeable in blocks of 256 bits.


Security Deposit: Shore users are required to deposit an amount of Rs.5,000/- (refundable) for activation of the service. By the end of each month a Invoice would be sent to the shore user for all shore-ship email traffic during the period. All payments will be handled by Elektronik Lab / Seainfo International, Mumbai.

Download Zipped Application Form


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