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From left: A.Q. Porter, Eli Cupit, J.S. Burns, Emery Summers & O.T. Synnott. Masthead (c) 2003 David E. Godbold. USE BY PERMISSION ONLY.
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Captain K. R. Webb - Co. D - Resignation

HdQurs. 33rd Regt. Miss. Vols.
Camp Near Morton, Aug 26th 1863

S. Cooper Adjutant & Inspection
General of the Confederate States of America

The undersigned respectfully represents that he was duly and regularly Elected Captain of Company D in the 33rd Regt. of Miss. Vols. on the 4th day of March in the year 1862. That since his election to said office of Captain he has been in command of said Company, with the exception of such time as he has been on duty as to Special Detail, or prevented by sickness, that his service has been performed up to the date of this presents. But in cognizance of his advanced age and his general failing health, he is no longer able to perform the duties of said office of Captain. His age is forty nine (49) years, and his health is such as to render him unable to discharge his duties as such Captain, he being wholly made to march on foot with the army, when on the move. He has not been able to march with the army since some time in the month of October 1862, but performed camp duty during the month of Dec-62, and was on the 5th day of January 1863 detailed in General Court Martial, and served as a member of that court until the middle of June 1863, when the court was dissolved by order of Genl. Johnson (sic), he was at this time the Court Martial was dissolved an inmate of the hospital, from which he was discharged on the 31st July 1863, and reported to his command on the 1st day of August 1863. He being inable (sic) (any) longer to perform the duties of this said office he humbly asks that this, his resignation of the said office of Captain of Co. D 33rd Regment (sic) Miss. Vols., may be received and he discharged from the service.

K. R. Webb
Capt. Co. D 33 Regt. Miss Vols.


Resignation of Capt. K. R. Webb of Co. D. 33rd Regt. Miss. Vols. — declined, (and immediately under that) apprvd.of such, D. W. Hurst, Col. 33rd Reg.

A/i/ia and Respectfully forwarded T. A. Mellon Col., Cmdg Brigd.

HdQrs Loring's Div. Aug. 27th 63. Respectfully forwarded W. S. Featherston.

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Battle flag: Collection of the Old Capitol Museum of Mississippi History, Jackson, MS.

© 1999-2011 David E. Godbold