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From left: A.Q. Porter, Eli Cupit, J.S. Burns, Emery Summers & O.T. Synnott. Masthead (c) 2003 David E. Godbold. USE BY PERMISSION ONLY.
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2nd Sgt. E. F. Leavell - Co. H - Promotion to Ensign

Hd. Qr. 33rd Miss. Regt.
Montevallo, Alabama
April 23rd, 1864

S. Cooper
Adjt. & Insp. Genl.
Richmond, Va.


Under a recent Act of Congress authorizing the appointment by the President of an Ensign for each Regt., Batn. &c I herewith forward the name of E. F. Leavell, a most deserving Soldier of my Command for Said appointment.

If the nomination be Confirmed I would respectfully ask that he take rank from the 18th day of April 1864.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Svt.
J.L. Drake, Col.
33rd Miss. Regt.


"Ensign" Hursts 33rd Miss. Regt.
Headqrs. Featherston's Brig.
Montevallo, Ala.
April 23, 1864
Approved & forwarded.
W.S. Featherston, Brig. Gen'l. Comd'g.
Head Qr. Loring's Div.
Montevallo, Ala.
April 23rd 1864
Approved & respectfully forwarded.
W.W. Loring, Maj. Genl.
Dept. Ala., Ms., E. La.
Demopolis, Ala.
April 26, 1864
Respectfully approved.
For Lt. Genl. Polk, Thos. M. Jack, A. A. G.

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Battle flag: Collection of the Old Capitol Museum of Mississippi History, Jackson, MS.

© 1999-2011 David E. Godbold