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Within this page: Theories | Text Interpretations

See also: Carrad's Page of FutureContact

FutureContact: Theories

A page has been found at FutureContact called: http://www.futurecontact.com/video/ It is simply says "soon one will see great things." Could a movie be coming? Is one already there but hidden?

At in impromptu GRID meeting, when it seemed nothing further could be done on FutureContact, an email was sent to GC asking if there were any more pages at FC that had not been found and could be found based on the clues already given to us. We were given this reply:" I need a couple days to get back to you on this. A very important meeting and phone conversation was conducted yesterday that has some very positive news for D'ni fans. Also, you might want to leak that I have updated the Eldoren site at AdventureGamer.Net. Fans can see a sneak peek at an awesome Observatory that is being built. One that has a VERY special tie in."
The next day, a lyster sent this comment on the concept sketch at Adventuregamer.net. Excerpt: "... <nitpick mode>
You can't even escape the problems with astronomy in mass media in the concept art here... there shouldn't
be light pouring out of the observatory, it'd flood the scope and restrict viewing of the stars. </nitpick
" GC replied thusly: "Hmmm.....better check the clues. You are correct about the light. But the Observatory serves more than one purpose. And the rules of astronomy don't apply 100% here. I have developed a very sophisticated celestial world that is very different than our own. The closest thing that might provide some clues is procession and some of the theories associated with sunspots in the Mayan calendar. Its gets complicated and leads to some very cool puzzles. Part of the game and the world involves learning what has happened in the past, what is happening now.....and more importantly...what event is about to occur that will create the situationyou see in the picture."


Special thanks to Guildsman Gandalf for providing this list of possible meanings of the letters on FutureContact:

T = tunnel
U = Underground
C = continuation/cave/Cryptic
A = And/adventure/a/Awaken
O = Obelisks
A = Awaken
S = strohderon
D = dreams
H = home
F = future
T = Tunnels
P = Past
D = Drawings
W = Worlds
T = Trap
V = Venture
W = winds
T = tethers
B = books/begins
C = clues
D = D'ni
F = Field
R = Research
A = Assistant


Aquila noticed that an overlay of the circles from tunnel1.gif and the text on one of the future contact pages reveals this: http://home.att.net/~aquila-1/FC1.jpg. The circles circle the letters of certain words. These letter match up to the letters on the bottom of the page.

Gordon Currie has said in a chat session that the word "basad" means "very deep," and that the language of "strohedron basad" is "easy to find."

At the top of the image, the words "Top View" can be barely made out. Carrad has also made out the words "Mosaic Floor," Inscriptions (story of when the...)," "River," "GG," and "City." Other speculations have been a boiler, a building with smoke coming out and pipes leading to a river. The large drawing in the middle has been thought to be anything from pipes, to pathways, to tunnels, all on what seems to be elevated ground such as a plateau. Some believe the sketch to be from MUDPIE, others believe it to be from Myst 4.


As far as text goes, Carrad has published this great page of interpretations: http://www.expage.com/futurecontact5 . Also, at the bottom of this section, you can find other interpretations of text not included at the above link.

On the website FutureContact, it was discovered that the www.futurecontact.com/assets/images folder can be accessed. In this folder was found a mirrored and upside down copy of the image of circles in stone found on the website, almost as if it had been flipped horizontally and vertically.

Image found on website (ex4.gif)

Image found in /assets/images file (metaltex4.gif)

One theory is that the image is binary code. Upon translating the dots into binary code, the numbers 4465 and 1135 have been discovered. (Special thanks to Blue Max and Guildsman Gandalf for discovering this).



FutureContact: Text Interpretations

"And now my adventure continues. And with the shift of time a new beginning slowly reveals itself. Awaken."

The Mayans talk about a shift of time in the year 2012 - the end of the fifth Age of the sun (in other worlds, basically the end of the world). They believe in a cycle of destruction and creation (creation perhaps being the "new beginning" which is revealing itself?). We all know the Mayans related to GRID, so perhaps this is what Gordon could mean?

"It is my greatest hope to be able to return one day and include you in my Book of Obelisks."

Obelisks are Egyptian structures that guarded against evil. More about them can be found here: Egyptian Obelisks. By Book of Obelisks, perhaps Gordon means a list of trustworthy people who will stay together and protect one another.

"The dreams....they weren’t dreams at all. The leather straps and shackles are broken now and one can sense a great freedom. Creative freedom."

Dreams....I know we all dream of D'ni. Is Gordon saying our dreams of D'ni are real? As for the straps and shackles, Gordon probably means the restraints he was under when under contracts. Now he has freedom to do what he wants. In that light, maybe dreams simply means Gordon's dreams of being free from the said "shackles."

"I can see it clearly now....it’s time to move to that great place we once called home. The work is about to begin."

I would imagine the great place we once called home would be D'ni, or maybe the way the community used to be. The work could be excavating D'ni? Solving these puzzles?

"Previous travels lead us to new discoveries. What lies in the past may certainly lead to the future. "

I think this basically speaks of GRID continuing through Future Contact.

"As one follows the tunnels, one discovers the many directions you can go. "

Following the tunnels I believe may have a double-meaning. The first most literal meaning would be following cave tunnels, like to D'ni. The caves leading to D'ni were very confusing and very easy to get lost in. The second meaning I believe refers to the puzzles on Future Contact and the many theories about them that lead to various things.

"This website will provide an understanding....a link to the past and future."

A link to past and future could be a link between GRID and Future Contact, or between D'ni (which could be classified as past) and us now (which could be future).

"Lost drawings have recently been found linking two worlds. We have much to learn from these maps. Underground pathways to follow."

The two worlds being linked are probably D'ni and Earth. Or it could also be D'ni and Eldoren, or even two companies. These maps could be maps to D'ni perhaps? Underground pathways certainly sounds like D'ni.

"Don’t fall into the trap...what you see when you look down will change. One speculates....Myst 4, Mudpie, or something else."

Trap could be taking what we see below us on the page for granted (so keep looking below :), or also following false leads. The fact that Gordon includes "something else" is a big hint there probably is something else.

"Time to draw your own conclusions before we venture forth."

This could mean that perhaps the time to solve has not come yet, and right now speculation is all that is necessary.

"The winds have shifted and my destiny awaits."

Gordon is going on trips to Toronto and Cyan soon, perhaps his destiny lies in one of these places.

"The tethers are breached....one may find one falling. But this great risk will reap rewards, Venture forth."

The tethers could be the contracts Gordon was formerly under. Otherwise I am not sure. "Falling" could refer to being stuck on puzzles, following false leads, or despairing of ever solving the mystery. Gordon encourages us by promising us rewards for our struggle.

"Soon the great books will open. The field work begins.An awareness unites...."

Great books always remind me of Descriptive Books. The Book to New D'ni perhaps? The Book of Obelisks? Or "great books" could simply be the answers to this mystery, great revelations. Field work reminds me or archeology. Excavating D'ni? Or maybe just working to solve these puzzles. An awareness of what lies ahead of us unites us.

"Look at this site you visit and this gathering of clues. There are 25 clues, 25 tunnels."

The twenty-five clues are probably the twenty-five letters released to us. This quote seems to confirm that the use of tunnels means clues, or paths to follow within the site.

"But only one site? Many sites! The one you see, the one I see, and the one they see."

Hmmm. This seems to imply that Gordon sees more than we do. What is he seeing? Seeing what pages we get to perhaps? Or perhaps as someone suggested, the futurecontact address is just a coverup for another server. We can't be really sure who "they" is. Perhaps everyone else - the non-AVIDS, who will think they have seen the whole site, when there is much hidden. Or perhaps "they" IS the AVIDS. In this light we probably have not completed the puzzles yet, so AVIDS (those who have completed the quest) would be referred to as they?