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Tony's Cool World

Updated 5-19-01

Basically, I grew up on horror movies. Despite my easily-fueled fear that ignited when I viewed such scarefests as Halloween, The Exorcist, and more, I continued to become a loyal fan to the genre. I've seen most of the good 'ole ones so far, and I hold the '80s to be the best era for stalk 'n slash, such as The Burning, Curtains, Friday the 13th, Happy Birthday to Me, The Initiation, The Slumber Party Massacre, and so many more.

Today, teen thrillers are mostly comprised of lengthy, witty dialogue and more things to annoy many people. Although, I remain to love almost any horror movie I can get my hands onto, sometimes even if they're way low-budget (i.e. The Last Slumber Party, Camp Blood) or if they're widely-hated!

The many names and designs this website has gone through has brought it to what it is now. Obviously, it wasn't a hard decision to make this site, since I have a love for horror movies and also reviewing them. Most recently, I've been trying to sneak in a few extras here and there to spice things up, but the countless cheese, giallos, slashers, and other types of horror movies make this site what it has become as well.

If you've stumbled upon this place of terror, then you're probably just as big of a fan as I am. Please browse the site for, what I hope is, informative detailings on the films you've seen or haven't seen. Also, if you've got a taste for horror, then please feel free to send me your reviews or post them in the forum, a great place for gorehounds to discuss. Last, but not least, please be sure to leave your entry in the guestbook and see what others have said about the site. Enjoy your stay, and please come back often!

Tony, Webmaster

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All site material (video captures, video clips, etc.) was produced by the webmaster, except for some poster and video cover images from various sources, such as eBay and other sites. Please ask permission in using anything from this site on your site(s), and upload the files to your own server and give credit. This site was created solely for fan-related and helpful purposes.

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