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The Last Broadcast
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The Last Broadcast vs The Blair Witch Project

Nearly every single Last Broadcast website has a Last Broadcast vs The Blair Witch page. I never find these pages very good as it is normally just a list of pros and cons with no conclusion drawn, well not this page. I will mark each film in the following categories:






Special Effects




and Plot Development.

I will give a mark out of ten or each film in each category, and I will also add comments, and the film with the highest mark wins!

First "The Last Broadcast":

Camerawork            9/10        Very good camera work. believable as a TV documentary and amateur footage in the woods, a good mix.

Sound                      10/10      No sound problems as all, you can easily make out what each character says even when they are panicked.

Acting                      9/10        Not at all cheesy when it could have so easily have been.

Script                       7/10        Good script, well written, but the last 10 minutes disappoint

Lighting                    9/10        Good lighting at all different times of the day, but a little hard to see some things at night, and you can't make out some key things.

Special Effects         2/10         Some good gore effects on the dead bodies, but for $900 dollars what do u expect, big robots? 

Enjoyment               8/10        Quite enjoyable, but can be slow moving at some times, but the plot will keep you gripped, don't watch alone at night!

Suspense                5/10        Some parts when you just want to know what happened, but not all the time.

Realism                  8/10       Quite real, could happen in real life, but can the police really do things that bad? Can they?

Plot Development   8/10        Good developments keep you hooked, but the last ten minutes let it down. 

Total:  74 /100

"The Blair Witch Project" needs to beat 74:

Camerawork         3/10        Just like a home video, but worse. Hurts your eyes after a while, very bad, but wouldn't the camera work be bad in that situation?

Sound                   8/10        Good sound, but some times they go "Did you hear that?" and really you didn't!

Acting                   10/10      Great acting, very believable, when it could have been very cheesy.

Script                    5/10        Here is a script extract: F**K, S**T, AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!! Some good points though, very believable for the situation.

Lighting                 8/10        Normally good, but sometimes the screen is just black and all you have is dialogue, not good!

Special Effects      2/10        On this budget, none at all, but some things are alright like when she finds that bit of the other ones body, and the slime look alright, and the hand prints in the house are ok.

Enjoyment            6/10        Quite enjoyable, but can be slow moving with just a lot of swearing every now and then, and nowhere near as good as the hype said.

Suspense              8/10         Very good with suspense, especially in the house at the end.

Realism                1/10         Why didn't they have a mobile phone?? Who believes in witches then? 

Plot Development 3/10        Some good parts like when the map is gone and how the witch pursues them in lots of different ways and how they are lead to the house, but really just a few people in the woods swearing!

Total:  54/100

Conclusion: "The Last Broadcast" wins!! I am sure some Blair Witch fan sites will have different opinions though and you can post your opinions on the vote, and even attach comments below:



Updated: 26th November 2000
Content by Laurence Wells
Re-designed by Chris
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