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Naru's Profile

Name: Osaka Naru

Dubbed names: Molly in NA dub and Lima in Swedish dub

Age: 14

Eyes: Blue

Hair color: Brunette

First appearence: Episode 1

Last apperance: We don't see her anymore after SuperS season

Bestfriend: Tsukino Usagi

Loves: Nephrite, Umino

Naru is Usagi's bestfriend in the beginning but later when the other senshis appear, Naru and Usagi don't seem to spend much time together anymore. But still they are very good friends. Naru appears in episode 1 and in the beginning we get to see her quite alot but later we see her even less and less. The last season that we see her is season SuperS and in season Stars, we don't see her or Umino at all. Everybody seems to disappear in stars season... We don't get to see Yuuichirou or Rei's grandfather at all in the last season and there are many other that don't appear in the last season anymore. In the stars season (manga), I've noticed that one girl looked like Naru and she was sitting with Usagi. I'm not sure that was it Naru or someone else but if it was Naru then in the manga she still was in the same school as Usagi was even they were at high school. But in the anime version Naru isn't there anymore...

Naru is a very cute girl. She is kind and she cares for her friends. And when she loves someone, she can die to save the man she loves!
Naru fell deeply in love with Nephrite and has saved him from Sailor Moon's attack. She still loved Nephrite even she knew that he was evil. But in the end she managed to bring out some goodness in Nephrite. She really loved Nephrite and she wanted to be near him. Unfortunately when they started to get closer, Zoicite sent his youmas to attack Nephrite and Naru, and Nephrite died by saving Naru from the attacks. Naru was so sad when Nephrite died, she didn't come to school and she was thinking that she didn't have aything left now when Nephrite was gone but with the help of her friends, she felt better and started to move on. Even she moved on but deep in side her there was still a place for Nephrite in her heart. Too bad that in the end of the first season, all the memories from the Dark Kingdom were erased and so all Naru's memories of Nephrite were gone too. She didn't remember her love with Nephrite or anything about him. That is so sad!!

Later Naru went out with Umino. In the beginning she didn't love him or anything but when he saved her in episode 32, she started to like him. They were together since then.

My opinion about Naru

She is now one of my favorite characters in Sailormoon. I was so touched by Naru and Nephrite's love, so they both became my favorites. I like Naru, she is sweet and very cute. I like her very much with Nephrite!!


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