Here's some information and other things from look so hard -- 0_o

"1. (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2; a2 + b2 = (a+b)2 -2ab"
Wow..doesn't that seams confusing....? here are more Math (Algebratic Formulas)
-2ab 2. (a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2; a2 + b2 = (a-b)2 + 2ab
3. (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2(ab + bc + ca)
4. (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab(a + b); a3 + b3 = (a+b)3 -3ab(a + b)
5. (a - b)3 = a3 - b3 - 3ab(a - b); a3 - b3 = (a-b)3 + 3ab(a - b)
6. a2 - b2 = (a+b)(a - b)
7. a3 - b3 = (a-b)(a2 + ab + b2)
8. a3 + b3 = (a+b)(a2 - ab + b2)
9. an - bn = (a-b)(an-1 + an-2b + an-3b2 +    +bn-1)
**Phew-- There are 36 more Algebratic Math Formulas..maybe, you'll learn them someday..
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born in 1879 and died 1955.

1884: Around this time, Albert receives his first compass, beginning his quest to investigate the natural world. 1895: Albert attempts to skip high school by taking an entrance exam to the Swiss Polytechnic, a top technical university, but he fails the arts portion. His family sends him to the Swiss town of Aarau to finish high school. 1901: Albert becomes a Swiss citizen. Unemployed, he searches for work. He and Mileva meet in northern Italy for a tryst. Mileva becomes pregnant. In the fall, Albert finds work in Schaffhausen, Switzerland as a tutor. Mileva, visibly pregnant, moves to Stein Am Rhein, three miles upriver. Mileva then moves to Hungary to give birth to their baby at her parent's home. Albert moves to Bern. 1905: "Annus Mirabilis" -- Einstein's "Miracle Year": his Special Theory of Relativity is born. June 30th, Einstein, submits his paper, "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" to the leading German physics journal. At age 26, he applies his theory to mass and energy and formulates the equation e=mc2. 1939: World War II begins. Einstein writes a famous letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt warning of the possibility of Germany's building an atomic bomb and urging nuclear research. 1955: Einstein dies of heart failure on April 16.

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