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 Astronomy and Cosmology
 Astronomy and Cosmology


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Astronomy and Cosmology
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If you're in a bright lit area like me it can really get annoying. Just try to get as far away from the source as possible. It might wash out the images you see a little, but not significantly. It's important to let you eyes adjust to the night also. This could take up to 20 minutes, but it's essential for viewing purposes. If you plan on looking at the sun you will need a solar filter. It is better to get one that goes over the end of the scope instead of using an eyepiece. Remember to keep your finder scope capped. Finally, if you use star maps or need to write/see anything use a red ultraviolet light. A regular old flashlight will impair your night vision. 

Aiming Your Scope 
It is pretty easy to aim your scope at night, you use the finder scope. You can buy a EZ-finder if you're having trouble with your finder scope. It superimposes a tiny night-vision red dot where your scope is aimed. It fits on virtually all scopes and makes aiming it real easy. If you view the sun, like me, it can be a real task since you can't use your finder scope or else you'd go blind. Here is a little trick I found... just use the shadow that the scope casts to aim it at the sun. Make sure that there is as little a shadow as possible. If you did it correctly you should be aimed right at the sun. 

I live in a real shitty area and I have trees, houses, and a soon to be cell phone tower blocking my view. Try to get up high (on the roof of your house or a near by hill) so you can see the horizon. The more sky you can see (more stars and easier to spot constellations) the easier it is to locate the objects your looking for. 

If it happens to be a particularly cool night you want to bring your telescope outside for 20-40 minutes before you go out. The air inside the telescope has to cool down to the outside temperature for optimum star gazing. Obviously bad weather can effect your viewing, but something that is harder to notice is dew. I recommend you get a dew cover. It will protect your telescope. A great time to go star gazing is after it has rained as long as the sky is clear. The rain will clean the air and make it excellent for viewing. Just make sure it isn't really humid out.

Some telescopes you might have to clean. Most refractors require little to none cleaning. All others do. The correct
astronomical software and good awareness of what's in the sky is the key to viewing the sights you want to.

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