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MAC's Old Team
Schedule & Events Page


Revised 27 Sept., 2005

James S. McDonnell "Mr. Mac"
1899 - 1980
Hear Ole Mac calling all the team

We would like to visit some different locations for our lunch gatherings. If you know of a restaurant that could accommodate our group send the info to Norm Beckel. To be suitable the restaurant should have the following criteria;(1) Be able to seat about 80 (2) Let everyone pay their own bill (3) Location isn't too critical but preferably is handy to one of the Interstates (4) Preferably has a separate room or area for the group to sit in (5) Doesn't mind a bunch of old geezers sitting around talking and laughing (6) And MOST IMPORTANT doesn't require any money up front nor a contract to be signed. If you have a place in mind talk to the manager and determine his/her interest before contacting Norman Beckel

The following lists the events for 2005

Wed. January 12, 11:00AM Lunch at the Old Town Buffet, Chesterfield Commons.
Click here for report>>>JANUARY LUNCH

Wed February 9, 11:00AM, Lunch at Village China Wok, St Peters.
Click here for report>>>FEBRUARY LUNCH

Wed. March 9, Lunch at RYAN'S FAMILY STEAK HOUSE, Bridgeton, MO,
Guest speaker was Joe Dobronski, Chief Test Pilot and Director of Flight Test Operations at MAC
Click here for report>>>MARCH LUNCH

Wed. April 13 Lunch at MARYVILLE MARRIOTT
Lunch was hosted by MacFarland Financial Group
Click here for report>>>APRIL LUNCH

Wed. May 11 Lunch 11:15AM at OLD SPAGETTI FACTORY, Chesterfield Commons
Click here for report>>>MAY LUNCH MEETING

Thurs. May 19 Annual Spring Golf Tournament
Country Lakes Golf Club, Warrenton, MO.
Click here for report and photos>>>2005 Spring Golf Tournament
Wed. June 8 Lunch 11:00AM at Grappa Grill ,St. Charles, MO
Click here for report and photos>>>June Lunch Meeting
July -- no meeting planned
Aug -- no meeting planned
Wed. September 14 Lunch, 11:00AM atHome Town Buffet Chesterfield Commons

Thursday, September 22, Annual Fall Golf Tournament
Country Lakes Golf Club, Warrenton, MO.
Click here for detail information>>>FALL GOLF TOURNAMENT
Wed. October 12, 11:15AM at Old Spaghetti Factory Chesterfield Commons
Click here for report>>> OCTOBER LUNCH MEETING
Wed. November 9, 11:00AM at Ryan's Steak House, Bridgeton
Click here for report>>> NOVEMBER LUNCH MEETING

December -- no meeting planned

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We would like to encourage you to provide:

*News and information about fellow retirees.

*Suggestions for meetings and events.

Send Email to: Norman Beckel or Earl Robb