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The Babies
Meet My Babies

These are the cats that I have now .
I have some that are getting up there in age
and some that are really young that I have only had
for a little over a year.
They keep me busy but I wouldn't have it any other way.

May 10,1988

Dussy came to us by way of my daughter Dawn's honeymoon. Her and Todd were on their honeymoon in the Ozarks when they came upon this little kitten that some people were going to throw in the lake. They rescued Dussy and brought her home. When they moved in a few months to North Carolina they were not allowed pets in their apartment building so of course Dussy stayed with me. When we would go down to visit them we would take Dussy along, stopping at McDonalds and getting her a fish sandwich, minus the bun. She was so funny, she would get on the dash and meow so loud that we called her our radar detector. She never really left my house and and for that I am glad. She blesses my heart and at almost thirteen has not quieted down at all.

July 2,1992

We have had Chow since his birth. We actually helped his Mama Willi when she was giving birth. If you have looked at my website then you may have read Willi's story. If not, go back and read what a joy she was and she left us with these kittens to love and cherish. Chow was such a skittish kitten that in order for me to pet him I had to be constantly stroking his fur. When I would stop he would run away, so I petted him all the time. Every night now he crawls up beside me, leans into me, gives me this little bitty cry, and waits for me to start stroking him. Which I do, constantly petting, but I don't mind, he is such a sweet kitty.

July 2,1992

Uffie is Chow's sister, and one of Willi's little girls. Unlike Chow, she has always been friendly and loving and never needed any coaxing to get on your lap. Her only problem is she wants to be the only cat in the house and doesnt like any of the other kitties, including her brother. She stays in the computer room a lot but she likes that because we are in there a lot. So we have our special time together. She is starting to mellow some in her older age, she now comes into the sun room and sits while we watch our hockey games and goes to sleep on the daybed.

May 10,1999

My husband was out riding his bike when he thought he heard a kitten crying. It was coming from the creek that runs alongside our house. What he found was this little six week old kitten,just as cute and as friendly as could be. We took him home and he immediately got two baths to get the grease off of him, then after going to the vets he got to come inside to live with the other kitties. Read Cheetoes Story to see how Cheetoes, then 12 years old, took this little kitten under his wing(or paw)and made such a difference in all our lives. Chester is a joy to behold and has never stopped being a very loving kitty, although he doesnt like strangers and hides when we get company. He is my husbands favorite, and rightly so since he saved his life.

February 22,1999

Nash was adopted from the Humane Society of Southeast Missouri on December 27, 1999. He has also saved a life, Chesters. Read Nash and Chesters Adoption Story to find out what this little orange tabby did for Chester and our family to enrich our lives. He has always been so sweet, but a little crazy at the same time. He is always on the move and is always into something. I had got the kitties a laser light to play with, but we cant use it anymore since Nash goes crazy and starts panting like a dog and wears himself out. You couldnt ask for a more loving cat. He was at the shelter for two weeks and had not been adopted, and was getting sick when we adopted him. All those people that looked over him dont realize what a difference he would have made in their lives. I am happy we could adopt him and bring him into our family.

April 15,1999

Pelly was adopted from the Humane Society of Southeast Missouri on April 15, 2000. I already had enough kitties but something about Pelly struck my heart. He acted like Cheetoes, who had died of a stroke in December of 1999, and he looked a lot like Gabby, who is my oldest kitty and one I knew I would have to say goodbye to before too much longer. He had been there for a while and I couldn't believe no one had wanted to adopt him. I took him out of his cage every day and took him to the front office with me, where he wandered around and made friends with people who came in. They all thought he was a beautiful cat, but no one wanted him. So of course when he started to get sick , I took him home and made him a part of my family. He is his own kitty, and although at times he does something that reminds me of Cheetoes, I love him for himself. Especially when he comes over to me, stretches out with his front paws pointed up, and wants me to pick him up. What a treasure.

October 21,2000

Chase was brought into the Humane Society when he was not quite four weeks old. His mama had been killed and he was having a fit. I knew that if we didnt find him a foster home he would not survive in the shelter. So I decided to take him home and foster him until he could eat by himself and knew how to take care of his little self, then we would take him back and put him up for adoption. We had to hand feed him for a week before he finally got the hang of it, and then he got sick, but we pulled him through. It was actually my husband who finally decided that maybe we should just adopt him ourselves since he would have a fit if he was put back into a cage. While we were fostering him our male kitties took care of him, and showed him how to do all the things cats do for themselves, like using the litter, washing themselves, and how to play with others. This last one he has really caught onto. He loves playing with the big kitties and Pelly especially likes to beat him up all the time. He is a real sweetie, and we are very happy to welcome Chase into our family.

February 2001

Gunner first came to the shelter in April of 2000. His owner had left him at the vets office because she didn't want to pay the charges for having an abcess taken care of, so the vet took care of Gunner and neutered him then brought him to us. We didn't have any luck adopting him so the workers decided to make him our office kitty. We adopted another kitty in June for the shelter, Omni. Omni got very sick in January of this year and had to be euthanized. Gunner was very sad and lonely and we decided he needed to be in a home with other kitties. So he now lives with me, and all the rest of my crew. My house is beginning to look like a yellow tabby rescue. Gunner has made himself at home here and is no longer exposed to all the diseases at the shelter and so we all feel better about his safety now. He has a kitten to play with and older cats to love on. I think Gunner is very happy here, and I know we are happy to have him here with us.
Read Omni,Special Dedication.
You will see how special these two cats are,
now and forever.

Welcome Page

Omni, Special Dedication


Willi's Legacy


Adopting One Saves Another