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In Loving Memory

April 24,1988 - December 15,1999

I remember the day that Cheetoes came into my life and changed it forever.
I was reading the newspaper and I saw an ad for consumer testers
for a company that was new to the area.
Their product was cat litter.
After many tests and meetings the panelist were finally chosen
and my entire family was going to do the testing.
We went down one evening to meet the kitties that tested the litter
and that was the first time I saw Cheet.
He was only a kitten then, just six months old.
He looked so small in that big room with all the cages and all the big kitties.
He seemed a bit hesitant as he walked around the room
and a little leery of the other cats.
Later I was to realize that this was his personality.
We started our testing in the spring of 89 and the years passed swiftly
and Cheetoes grew even bigger and more handsome.
He struck a beautiful pose as he now walked around the cat room.
But even then you could always see the fear in his eyes.
My love for him grew as the years passed
and finally one day we heard that they were closing down the cattery.
Our first concern was what was going to happen to the cats.
They ranged in age from one year to seventeen years.
We got word that we were going to be allowed to try
and find them homes, which we did for all of them.
Of course there was no question in my mind that Cheetoes
would be coming home with me and he did,
but my daughter also loved him and she wanted him too.
But we ended up taking three of them to each of our homes.
Angel, Bandit, Cathy, Willi, Stallone, and Cheetoes
were to grace us with their love and become part of our lives.
We had videotaped all the cats leaving and going to their new homes
and one evening we were watching the tapes.
On this particular tape I was calling Cheetoes to come to me.
He heard my voice calling his name
and moved toward the television and sat down right in front of it.
He listened for a few minutes and then he got really scared
and tried to run away.
I picked him up and loved on him right away
and didn't play the tape ever again.
Since he wasn't used to being in a home
he had a lot of new things and noises to get used to.
He was always a little skittish but he improved so much.
He would sit by your feet and look up at you.
And only when you said his name and looked in to his eyes
and told him it was okay would he jump up in your lap.

We lost Cheetoes on December 15,1999 to a stroke.
My heart was breaking for the wonderful cat that I had known
for only what seemed like such a short time.
I only got to have him in my family for three years
but the wonderment and joy he gave to me will always live in my heart.
He was my friend for twelve years
but he will remain in my heart

Cheetoes & Chester

We rescued this little kitten when he was six weeks old.
As you can see it did not take him long to become Cheetoes best friend.
Please read Cheet and Chesters story
"Adopting One Saves Saves Another" and learn how Chester lives on
in Cheetoes memory.

Adopting One Life Saves Another

Welcome Page

Gallary of Cats 1

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