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Morris Winter 04'-05'

This afternoon (Thursday, January 20th-after previewing the Presidential Inaguration Parade), I (Sal) watched a "whole" show of Ellen Degeneres for the first time (I usually don't watch much tv at all, especially in the afternoon. When I do, I usually just surf on my "regular channel" t.v.-no cable!). I was fond of Ellen's fondness of "what we do in the cold winters"-Minnesota?

She talked about Embarass, Minnesota as it made national news when they hit 54 below zero temperatures last week:

Embarrass, Minnesota, hits 54 below Freezing temps hit Gulf Coast Monday, January 17, 2005 Posted in CNN: 1:10 PM EST (1810 GMT)
Minnesota Town Hits 54 Below Zero ABC News

She then randomly called a business in Ely, which is close to Embarass. Ellen talked to Betty, who worked at "Mostly Moose and More Stuff" store.

I decided to e-mail her this "photo gallery" link that I've made due to the almost 1 week below zero weather last week (January 10th-January 17th) in Morris (city pop 5,100 that includes 2K when the college campus is open), MN

Morris morning sun brings a halo sight over the RFC and the Cougar/Tiger ("mascots") Watertower in the cold frigid below zero weather of January 13th 2005

Wind howling at 30 below windchills on the corner of Hwy 28 and County Rd 1 (5-6 miles east of Morris). The picture is of the "Stop and Smell the Roses" totem pole

Cory poses in front of the island (1/4-1/2 mile walk from the shore) in the frozen icy (about 1-3 inches of snow on top) Crystal Lake in 12 below zero (Farenheit) weather on Sunday, January 16th (after the Vikings loss to the Philadelphia Eagles)

Cory running around to keep warm with the eastern (industrial area of downtown Morris) shore in the back drop on the frozen Crystal Lake

Biggest Winter Storm-Blizzard this Winter 04'-05' as of January 21st

Snow starts piling-up around 2pm on Friday, January 21st in the 5th St & Atlantic Avenue cross street.

It's getting hard to drive on Pacific Avenue as I drive towards home!

Things to Do in Morris during the Winter?

Besides watching movies all the time (eating, gaining weight, not getting enough Vitamin D from the sun, etc...), do some outdoor activities:

Ice Skating Rink at Wells Park (west side)
*another ice skating rink is at the college campus across the RFC (east side)

Also, rent ski's from the RFC to go cross country skiiing, drive to Andes Towers Hills to go downhill skiing, etc...



Below are other "photo gallery" websites I've made of other activities going on in the winter in Minneota (see map for better perspective of cities below):

Winter Ice Palace in St. Paul

Winterfest in Wilmar (broomball, smaller ice palace, snowmobiling, etc..)

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