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MN Rat Connection
-Show & Pet
-Friendly, Healthy

MRC Rat Information

My Rats
Rat Standards
Adopt~April 14th-Update~
Shipping and Transportation

Wish List

Care, Diet Housing-
For My Rats

What I feed my rats
Bedding I use

Fancy Rat Sites-
External Links of Quality


Contact Information
Adria aka gizmoadria
E-mail: Phone:
Coming soon~House Fire~Moving
(Brooklyn Park, MN)

AOL IM: gizmoadria 



April 8th, 2001

-MY NightFaye, Bred
-RnR Pepsi, Bred
MRC So Naughty, Bred
End of April



WELCOME to the MN Rat Connection!!


I miss everyone of ya rattie people! I have this great Thai restaurant lined up for us after the show!

Selecting a pet rat can be a great experience.  I am here to help more than just by having rats available.  If you have any questions or concerns about a rat, bedding, diet, housing, health or behavior, feel free to contact me!

You are not required to have purchased a rat from me.  I have had people from CA, NYC, Nevada, Lousiana and Oregon contact me about rats.  Even someone in Australia and Africa!!

One creative person is buying a rat for her niece (yes, the mother said yes) so the Aunt has purchased a cage, bedding, food, has located a vet and will be putting 2 Beanie Baby Rats inside the cage for the niece to open, therefore allowing for surprise and the chance to personally pick out the new pets. 

There are many rats out there today. Blues, Dumbos, Hairless, Rex, Manx - Tailless, Tri-colors, Odd-eyes and such.

Many people with rats say they breed for health and temperament but how do they do it? 
Dosen't everyone say say that?  How do they do it though?  With unknown lines?  

I use pedigreed rats to predict the future health of babies. I have made a commitment to improve the breed and I think this can only be done with lines of heritage.

I'm not saying that pet shop rats are bad pets because in fact some people have located the greatest personalities ever but that dosen't mean they are breeding quality.

Each generation should in some way be better (Temperament, Health Resistance, Lower Instance of Tumors), a melting-pot theory can only go so far. I raise all babies with the intent of good pets, whether they enter a show or not. Temperament may be genetic but not handling a baby from day one? Why leave it to chance?

MRC is located in the Metro Area of Minneapolis/St. Paul. The Twin Cities residents are recognized for their open-minded attitudes, attention towards the arts and politics, technology and volunteering in the community.

The Mall of America has the biggest draw but residents also love the SummeAquatennial, Taste of MN, Ribfest, State Fair) and Winter (St. Paul's Winter Carnival) Events.

All rats are raised in a clean, home enviorment. Daily contact with people is a must here. Humidity is monitored as well- A Honeywell Air Purifier with Hepa-Filters is in place to enhance air quality. Rats are well socialized by three weeks of age.

Besides the rats, Turtle, my shorthair Tortie cat, shares my home.

This page went up on December 10th, 1998 with over 
12,000 visitors to date!!

Feel Free to contact me
Due to the overwhelming amount of rat mail I receive 
on a daily basis, I will respond within 72 hours

If I don't reply, please e-mail me again....
I get e-mail
Altimers (Alhiemerz) with e-mails sometimes,
reading them and then forget to reply.  

All pages and images are property of their respectful owners.
I must be contacted in order to use images.
Copyright © 1998-2001,  MN Rat Connection
Web Site
designed and maintained by gizmoadria