The Homestead

*pops in circa July 2018* Hello world! Angelfire is still alive, and I still mean what I said last time. I just wanted to state that for the record. Nothing here has actually been updated.
Actually last updated: 9/10/05
Profile and several journal entries are temporarily removed until I re-scan them and decide which parts of the former sound like I'm 19 instead of 14, and which ones of the latter are really worth reading. No, I haven't fixed the reading or movie lists yet. Yes, I have neglected almost everything on this site for a year. This page has also been in existence, in some form, since 1999; it's not going anywhere. Yes, I should probably add the new quote lists from Calculus and Symposium (first year at college). I'll get around to it. [No I won't.]

Having recently found a list of "what I'm going to put on my webpage" (circa 2001 or so), I am currently working on my "100 Recommended Books" list which every self-appointed writer should have on their sham of a website.
Top 100 Books.
And, I suppose, I should add in this:
Top 50 Movies

In case you didn't get a copy (or you lose it sometime in your life), here are the Senior/Junior Year quotes (2002-2004) compiled from my journals/other sources.

My Writing. I have been writing since 3rd grade, when my teacher told me I had talent. Every teacher after that told me the same thing, so I got to believing it. Around 10th grade or so, I stopped enjoying writing, for the most part, and it just became something I was good at. Being addicted to praise, I continued labeling myself a writer until I got myself launched on this English major - it was the only thing I knew I could do.

But that's not the point. The point is that this page showcases pretty much every piece of writing I've created between elementary school and graduation (I'm working on the college stuff). Categories include poems, short stories, school I really liked, and maybe even some well-written journal entries. [2006 update: for the record, I no longer even claim any of this to be good. It's just there.]
Oh, plus the creative humor-fanfic project that was spawned in 8th grade and still lives...the Interview Lady Series, which is funny even if you've never seen Digimon. (it's not crucial to have done so):
Jump straight to the Interview Lady series

Rolling Thunder Ranch. Although no longer as central in my life as it once was, this is my barn and my dream horses for a sim club, Hidden Valley. Quite a lot of time and effort was spent finding pictures and writing paragraphs on here; it ought to remain visible.
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