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Sunday, 9 March 2008
Now Playing: Notorious B.I.G.: Juicy


Kzoo sesh that I forgot was going on....   (Sean Newton awesome photos dot cromwell)

Jeremy Ball, tweaked and geeked.

Kyle Kling...dude, fuckin'

The White Lotus 

Luke McGarry

Jerome tabled like he ain't got none

Levi Brown more than doubling the height of the little street spine.  There is a pro skater named Levi Brown as well.  What are the odds of that?

Benny Baker in what may possibly be my favorite photograph of all time.







Posted by Deliverance Dude at 10:20 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 March 2008 10:36 PM EDT
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Sunday, 2 March 2008
Rad 180
Hey now.   The Modern contest went down last night and it was pretty awesome.   Sean Newton took some amazing pics (he can even make skatepark photos look great) and you can find them by clicking on this pic of Dane Wild...

   The results, I believe, go like this:

Intermediate Best Trick:  Jordan Van Dorne (360 off the deck of the six foot quarter and a bunch of other rad shit)

180 Long Jump:  Dane Wild (Luke McGarry went further but couldn't pull the rollback).    Ben Fisher took scariest incident by breaking is forks off.  It was terrifying, but he was okay.

High air on the 3 foot mini:  Luke McGarry

Advanced Best Trick:  Eric Nyler  (I think I messed up his name).  He did the sweetest quarter to quarter gap to manual to 180 down the euro.  He also did a wall ride to whip, a glorious tail whip disaster and a bunch of other good stuff.  Ben Fisher took second with a whip off the top of the wall-ride and lots of other stuff.  Trevor Thompson took third with lots of wild stuff, including a huge wall ride over the the window to the mall (it would be right in the center of the "D" in the above pic.   

    Sean's pics are totally sweet, but here's one I took of the 180 comp. 

   Dk, Duo and Etnies came through with lots of prizes, I kicked in some Deliverance gear and almost everyone left with something.  Everyone got to ride a lot (including me), which was key and injuries were at a minimum, despite the unfortunate occurance of Dave Moon's chronic shoulder dislocation.   I feel for you, Dave, I went through the same thing and it sucks.

   Thanks to Sean for helping out, as well as Pat Ellis, Bob Hammond, Trevor Thompson and Jason Burnton.  Ya'lls nice dudes. 

      Here's a pic from the window of the Brown Trout Hotel in Boyne Falls, Michigan, where I spent most of last week.  The screen makes it look a little goofy, but it was nice to wake up to before standing around all day in the freezing cold all day....

    This is kind of weird.  It's a shot of the DVR for our cable.  I found this while doing a search for "motocross".

    How crazy is it that the listing is under "Bicycle Motocross"?   The cool thing is the show is actually the FBM Ghetto Comp, so it's good viewing, but who, besides my nerdy, kooky ass, calls it "Bicycle Motocross"?   Is what is.









Posted by Deliverance Dude at 10:11 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 2 March 2008 10:29 PM EST
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Thursday, 21 February 2008
TPS reports


Posted by Deliverance Dude at 1:34 PM EST
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Tuesday, 19 February 2008
If I had a million dollars...
Now Playing: Jawbreaker: Accident Prone




This is real.  This is a friend of mine that works for Etnies.  He loves Vegas and apparently Vegas loves him.  I'm stoked for him. 

      I finally rode my bike today.  At Modern in GR.   I really miss the old Novi Modern days but the GR park is fun.  It was the best I've felt in weeks.   There is nothing better to me than riding BMX bikes.  Even at my advanced age, there is no feeling like floating, sliding or spinning a BMX bike.  It's magic.   I feel blessed to have discovered BMX at an early age and that I'm still able to enjoy it.  I feel bad for people that quit or worse, never started.


Posted by Deliverance Dude at 9:31 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 February 2008 9:46 PM EST
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back in black
Now Playing: explosions in the sky: first breath after coma

   I painted my bike, put on fresh Duo grips, changed my flat and dialed my bike in.  It had been awhile since it got any love.  I can't wait to ride it.  It's like 15 degrees here, so I don't think I'm even going to ride the barn yet....


Posted by Deliverance Dude at 11:24 AM EST
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Sunday, 17 February 2008
Would you be mad...
Now Playing: Jawbreaker: Fine Day

...if you found out the writer of your favorite blog had another blog that was even more personal and introspective?  I was, but then I read all the entries and I was stoked.  The dudes portrayed on that site are the real deal.   Living it, you know?   I'd like to think that I live it but I really am just lucky that I get to experience a lot of stuff because of my job.  Driving to Austin in a weird van pulling a trailer filled with plastic jugs of alternative fuel is living it.   Leaving home with no clothes and just buying ratty gear at thrift stores along the way is living it.  I'm a wuss.  I like thrift store clothes but I have to wash them before I wear them. 

      My work is finally calming down a bit and I'm happy about it.   I haven't ridden my bike since I filmed that video three weeks ago.  My bike  has a flat tire in the barn and has, I assume, since that night.  That is pathetic.   "Yeah, I used to ride, but my bike is all messed up and I haven't had time to fix it".    I've heard the lame excuses so many times and they make sick.   MIne is isn't an excuse, it happens every year during this time.  I have a birthday during the same non-riding period and that's extra depressing.  No need to worry though, I'm a gonna fix that tire tomorrow and get back at it.  We have a jam coming up in two weeks at Modern in Grand Rapids, too...


One of my oldest and dearest friends, Jeff Venekamp, took his sons to the track and Jeffrey came out with the gold!

Jeff and I go back to the early 80s and Jeffrey is the first of my friends' from the old days whose kids who have started racing.  I'm proud of the boys.  I know Jeffrey's brother Cullen is no slouch either and although he pretends that he doesn't really ride any more, big daddy Jeff still has the first straight pull of a 15 year old, not to mention tons of style.




Posted by Deliverance Dude at 9:27 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 18 February 2008 11:44 AM EST
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Monday, 11 February 2008
News Flash

Winter fucking sucks.  I'm over it.  I've been sick, my kids are sick, my wife is sick, our daycare lady is now sick and there is so much frickin' snow on the ground it is ridiculous.  Two weeks ago, I left for Vegas for a trade show.  It was a busy show, which is good for me, but it was in Vegas, which is a horrible place. 

Here's a visual re-cap:

I came across this fossilized leaf imprint in the sidewalk while trying to find food (no easy task).  An ironic reminder that nature is not welcome in the streets of Lost Wages.

Room with a view.   It might as well be a movie back-drop, because you barely go outside in Vegas.

Tradeshow antics.   Playing dress up is totally in style.  I'm not the only kook on this planet.

Socked in, clocked out.  It took almost four hours to get from Detroit to Grand Rapids (a 25 minute flight).  Nice.

On a BMX note, Sean Newton, Jeremy Ball, Chris Noble and some others rented out Kzoo last Sunday and produced these great photos (taken by Sean):

Jeremy Ball with a lookback.

Dave Moon, stylish as always.

Jeremy was teaching teenagers history 15 hours after doing this flair.

Chirs Noble is stylish and dialed.

A Noble hangover.







Posted by Deliverance Dude at 9:47 AM EST
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Monday, 28 January 2008
wide world of sports

I used to watch ABC's Wide World of Sports every weekend.  I would make my mom buy TV Guide so I could see what was going to be on that week.  All I really wanted to see was Evel Knievel, but some of the other stuff on there was awesome.  The Carlsbad MX races, ski-jumping and I really liked Alpine ski racing.  It was rad. 

Fast forward a lot of years to the X games and "Racer X" ski racing has replaced Boarder X (which was like BMX racing on snow), but I think it's my favorite Winter X games event. 

It was total carnage.  Freestyle snowmobile jumping is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.  It makes FMX look cool almost.

    Anyway, it's definitely still winter here.

That's the temp. from inside my van late thursday night on the way home from Cleveland.  While there, I got to ride RAys again and it ruled like always.  I love that place.  Getting home at 3:30 AM wasn't so great though.

     I filmed this on Saturday night.  I know, I'm a dork.  The barn ramps are fun though. 

   I'm about to be late for my flight to Vegas, so peace out.  Have a great week.




Posted by Deliverance Dude at 1:27 PM EST
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Thursday, 24 January 2008
snow rolls uphill
Now Playing: Mogwai: Travel is Dangerous

 Jesse from DK is a super cool cat but Catfish maybe doesn't think so. My Video

    I'm tired of snowblowing, driving in the snow, being holed up inside and being cold, but I cut some turns in the fresh pow yesterday morning My Video

   Sean Newton took this photo of Levi when the weather was nice.

It will be nice again. 

I like bikes.

To hell with the rules.







Posted by Deliverance Dude at 7:59 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 24 January 2008 8:14 AM EST
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Thursday, 17 January 2008
sounds good on paper
Now Playing: Lakers vs. Suns

Not sure why, but I have been kind of into basketball lately.  I've always liked it.  It's definitely my favorite "ball" sport.  I think because the dudes actually have style and personality more akin to BMX or skateboarding.  Maybe not.  Shit, who cares.  The Lakers are losing and that makes me happy somehow.

   bike rack outside of Amazing Grace in Louisville, an amazing health food store.   

       I'm on the road.  I'm not even sure where I am right now.  Somewhere in Indiana.  Gas City?  It's near Fairmont, the home of James Dean.  Again, you've tuned into the "who gives a shit channel".    When I left home yesterday it was 16 degrees with lots of snow.  On this same trip at this same time of year in the past, I've been pleasantly surprised by the time I got further south that it was significantly warmer and without snow on the ground.  Such was the case yesterday.  I got to Louisville and it was pushing 40 and nice out.   I met up with Ernesto from Dans to do some real work but  only after an awesome dinner with Ernesto's wife Beth, Ernesto and Leland from Shitluck.  Ernesto was picking up a bunch of the Shitluck/United collaboration frames for Dans.  I helped him load them in his car, but didn't actually see a frame.  I did see one in Ride UK though and it looked kick ass.  What I did see was the new Mutiny HD DVD Stoked on Being Pumped and Animal's Don't Quit Your Day Job 2, both of which were awesome in their own opposite-ends-of-the-spectrum way.

     Unfortunately, when I woke up this morning it looked like this

out back of Ernesto's house.

and definitely was not 40 degrees and nice.  I've been really lucky in the past with Louisville trips (I go there a few times a year for work) and I can only think of one other time that I wasn't able to ride a little bit at least.  Last year at this time Davey Coop and rode in arctic temps but did ride regardless.   Speaking of Davey, he has a nice write up and photos on the Team Young site.  It's good to see some action over there again.

Burger King is my go-to fast food with the Veggie Whopper, but vending machine Burger King snacks is an all-time low.

          I had a long day today of working and  driving but by this evening I found my way to the born-again Just Ride skatepark (now) in Muncie, Indiana.  The park isn't finished but it is operative and it is going to be fircking awesome when it's done.  It's awesome now.

     GoGo Reily sent these links to an ancient interview with yours truly.  It's kind of crazy how much of a kook I was and how much of a kook I still am in many of the same ways. This was in Invert magazine in 1990.  Invert was kind of a predecessor to Ride UK.



Posted by Deliverance Dude at 11:36 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 18 January 2008 12:11 AM EST
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