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Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Store credit?

A friend sent me this link.  You can watch the punishing first commericial or zoom ahead to the :53 second mark, where the Piranha Alley commerical starts.  Piranha Alley is the shop that I worked at for six years with Bill from Kzoo.  Those were good times and Bill gave me lots of artistic freedom to do projects like this.  This was produced in 1996, I believe.  The weird/offensive part about seeing this on YouTube is that the dude that posted it (not the person that sent it to me) is claiming total production of the commercial.  I filmed almost all of it, found the clips that were "borrowed", and "directed" the whole thing (not to mention the awful voice-over).  Another guy edited it, so I'm not sure what this dude is thinking.  I don't really care, it's pretty goofy anyway, but I get bummed about people taking credit for things they didn't do.  A couple points of interest.  The dummy that gets run over in the beginning was something I created at my dad's bike shop on a Sunday afternoon.  I set up my camera on a tripod and that is my Ford truck with me driving.  One-man show (kind of like I do everything, I guess).  That truck was awesome.  I did a lot of work on it myself and I really regret selling it.  tangent, sorry.   At the end of the commercial, where the dummy bursts into flames--that was a bad idea.   Again, by myself, out in the woods (behind Kzoo!), with a dummy and a can of gas.  Camera on tri-pod, a half-gallon of gas poured on the dummy.  Trying to light it with a cigeratte (I didn't smoke, not sure why I had cigs).  It took a really long time to light because I didn't want a match or anything obvious appearing in the shot.    When it did light, it basically exploded.  Fire was everywhere and I didn't have anything to put it out with.  I was next to a little creek, but I didn't have any way to get water to the fire.  The uncut video is ridiculous.  It goes on forever with this little bit of smoke from the cig and me trying to nudge it toward the dummy and then "boom", all at once.  After that, I'm running around trying to extinguish the fire, which took awhile.  Ridiculous.


       After the commercial aired, we got an angry call from a mother, complaining about the violent scenes.  Bill answered the phone and kind of non-chalantly handed it to me.    I wish I had a recording of that conversation, it was insane.  She was really mad, calling me "irresponsible" and all kinds of things.  I'm sure my side of the argument wasn't much better.  I get pretty defensive sometimes.  We had to deal with lots of angry parents.   One of my favorite clothing brands, Fuct, was something we sold at the store.  We were careful about who sold that stuff to. but a pair of jeans made their way home with a teen-aged kid.  His mom was washing them or something and noticed the small, round logo on the back pocket with the semi-profane brand name.  She was so pissed, like shaking as she talked to me.  I had to give her money back.  




Posted by Deliverance Dude at 1:13 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 7 November 2007 2:00 PM EST
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Friday, 9 November 2007 - 11:05 AM EST

Name: "kiry"

i cussed jeph out and he said he now has given you credit on the you tube commercial.....

Wednesday, 14 November 2007 - 10:36 AM EST

Name: "davey"

that commercial was fuckin' rad. and i think that's an appropriate phrase to use to describe it...

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