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Welcome to the Updates! Check here and you'll be able to see if I was lazy, or if I actually updated!


July 24th-- It's our site's first birthday! Let's have a round of applause! There isn't much Info, and I couldn't get any fanfic, but we do have some news on toys and dogtags, click Here

for more info, and for the new release date of Majora's Mask, click Here Thanks, and have a nice day!!

JULY 11TH-- I gathered the courage a few days ago to e-mail the NOA (Nintendo of America Inc.) about a possible Zelda movie or the re-release of a Zelda game. Well, our response wasn't just as we had hoped, but you can see the message I sent and the reply by clicking The Lowdown with Nintendo

July 10th--well, today, there's just a little thingy, my homepage's History

Not very long, but it's okay, I guess.

July 9th-- HOOHAH! All right, today there's still not that much, but it'll due. It's an itsy bitsy teeny weeny story by me...which is enough to hold you guys over for a few days, right? It's called When all is Lost If you love CATS, (and I know you do!) this is the story for YOU!

July 7th--Okay, Just a side note: RDA didn't help me with any of this. AWWW I feel so...independent! Now, don't ya just love the background? Me too! I've added a TimeLine to the site. This'll help explain things, and yada yada yada...if my life is just a little boring later today, I might be not-so-lazy and update a little more! Have fun!

July 1st, 2000: Hey, guys! There's not much of an update today. I've decided NOT to use Xoom, because now, Happily, RDA has decided to help me with my site, which is new... ANYWAY...we're going to be working on the layout, so expect something new, all right?

4-27-00 All right, I had some problems today which involved my computer totally breaking down, well, not totally, but it's working now. We have our first fanfiction, by Mayen Escusa! Read it by going to the FanFiction

. Thanks a ton, Mayen!!

Second of all, the Legend of Zelda Guide is finished, along with some Game Genie codes that you can use if you're not that great at beating games by playing fair. Heh, who said cheating never helped you? Anyway, get all of the inside stuff by going To the Zelda Game's Guide.

4-27-00 Hey, guys! I've finished the 7th and 8th levels of the original Zelda guide, and the 9th level is soon to come. And our first fanfiction as well! I've gotta go, so I'll bb to update later. :-)

4-26-00 And here it is! Okay, the "Legend of Zelda" Isn't quite finished yet; I still need to add three Dungeons to it. But, until then, you can visit it by going Here

4-20-00 Not much today, but this is EXTREMELY important that you don't send your submissions to anymore. PLEASE SEND THEM TO: If you view any pages that say to e-mail them to, just e-mail them to THANK YOU!!!

4-19-00 Today, there's something tragic that happened near where I live. Visit and get the details by clicking Here

4-14-00 I'm back here again, this time with some Links. They're to some very well designed Zelda sites, much better than mine, of course :-p. Anyway, enjoy these, and take your time lookin' around!

4-9-00 Yes, I'm back today with a Major update! The first is to the Gaiden section, and go there by clicking Here

Aside from that, a New section is up. Drumroll, please! MUSIC! Yes, Music! Midis galore! Vis it by clicking Here