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Kalamazoo County Townships

Entries in maroon font have been transcribed from Johnson's New Universal Cyclopaedia, published in 1876 by A.J. Johnson & Co., New York.

Wakeshma Township

Wakeshma, township, Kalamazoo county, Michigan. Population 1401.


9 - Beard (Leonidas)

10 - Fulton

11 - Northside (North Fulton)









Brady Township

Brady, a post-village of Kalamazoo county, Michigan, on the Peninsular Railway where it is crossed by the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad, 68 miles southwest of Lansing. Population of Brady township, 1382.

Vicksburg, post-village, Kalamazoo county, Michigan, at the junction of Grand Rapids and Indiana and Chicago and Lake Huron railroads, 12 miles south of Kalamazoo; has 2 churches, a union school, 1 newspaper, 4 hotels, and several mills. It is located in the centre of a rich farming section. Population about 1200.



    7 - Jenkinson

    8 - Hassic (German Lutheran)

    Other Items of Interest

    Supplement to The Vicksburg Commercial, Part 1 or Part 2.
    From the Aug. 8, 1884 edition of The Vicksburg Commercial. Brief history of the town and short biographies of citizens. (In two parts)

    List of Teachers Granted Certificates in Kalamazoo in 1883-84.
    This listing was printed in the September 26, 1884 edition of The Vicksburg Commercial.

    Excerpts from the November 11, 1892 edition of the Vicksburg Commercial.

    1890 Brady Twp. Plat Map Index with Map

    Local Businesses

    Gleaned from newspaper articles, advertisements, etc.
    LocalityBusiness NameType of BusinessNoted Time-FrameNotes
    VicksburgZ.N. RobinsonGrain, Coal, Plaster & Seeds1892

    Schoolcraft Township

    Schoolcraft, post-village and township, Kalamazoo county, Michigan, on the Chicago and Lake Huron and the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroads, 12 miles south of Kalamazoo. It contains 3 churches, a union school, 1 bank, 1 newspaper, a large steam flouring-mill, saw and planing mill, and 1 hotel. Principal business, farming. Population of village 932; of township, 2136.



    1 - Vicksburg (Schoolcraft Township)

    2 - Unknown - site

    3 - Schoolcraft

    4 - Fellows Family

    5 - Gourdneck Prairie

    6 - Clement

    Other Items of Interest

    1890 Schoolcraft Twp. Plat Map Index with Map



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