Week 6:
"The Triumph Of Will"

Andy Zarowny


Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

I have had some fun in the past couple of weeks comparing the Morgans to
the Nazis.  Let me assure those of you who have written some complaints
on this that I am not doing so because I am a latent Nazi.  If there is any
political tag that can describe me, it is that of a Voluntaryist Anarchist, such
as that embodied in the works of Carl Wagner.  For those of you interested,
his web site is:  http://members.aol.com/vlntryst/index.html.  The reason I
do this is because while National Socialism is convoluted, hypocritical, and
very dangerous, on occasion it is amusing.  The fact that still to this day so
many countries practice it in one form or another shows that it still has a
certain appeal, especially to the weak-minded.  But we all have to also rec
ognize that once in a while, it does accomplish what it sets out to do.  And
this week's episode showed just that. 

We begin this week on Night 15 after Tribal Council.  Most are giddy that
Michelle left them in good fashion.  Not Rupert.  He is pissed.  His first Tribal
Council left him with a foul taste.  Around the campfire, Rupert apologizes
to the rest of the Drakes for his remarks, even though they were all true.  He
tells Uncle Cameraman that his tribe mates still haven't figured out that by
throwing the one Immunity Challenge, they have allowed the Morgans to
rally and seize the initiative.  It is now the Morons who are the ones to beat.
If that wasn't enough, Rupert awoke on Day 16 to find that his new pet,
Balboa the Snake, had died overnight from it's injuries.  Filled with remorse
and compassion, Rupert gives Balboa a decent burial.

Meanwhile, over at Camp Moron, we have the pilot for the new Fox series,
"When Pelicans Attack".  They are visited by an errant pelican, who annoys
Osten to no end.  RyanO befriends the bird, naming him Pete.  Pete likes
RyanO and follows him to the shelter.  Pete wants to hang out but is met by
a stick shaking Osten.  Threatened by the toothless avian (Osten thinks that
the pelican will bite and kill him), Osten arms himself with a machete.  The
others are both amused and embarrassed by Osten's behavior.  RyanO even
wonders why Osten is there, in the wild, facing Nature. 

Back at Drake island, Rupert, who must have had a good night's sleep at
Camp Morgan due to their raised floor, suggests that they do likewise.  All
are tired of getting bitten by bugs and such all night long.  As the work be-
gins, Shawn raises doubts about making the effort.  He sees no value in this
enterprise.  Jon and Shawn go at it with each other.  The result is Jon storm-
ing off and Shawn working his guilt off by building the new floor. 

Day 17 and it's time for the Reward Challenge.  The Drakes are pumped as
they determine they must win this one to break the Morgan's morale.  Jeff
explains the challenge, a test of gunnery skills.  Two black-powder, muzzle-
loading cannons are on the beach.  A member from each tribe takes a turn
at loading, aiming and firing their cannon.  The object is to hit each of four
targets, in the other tribe's color, to win.  The prizes are a grill and utensils,
a collection of spices, some lobsters and six juicy steaks.  Should the Morons
win, they'll get a second clue to their buried treasure.  The match is a close
one, with the game tied at three a piece.  Finally, Christa hits the Drake's
fourth target while Andrew misses.  Drake wins!  They get the goodies, plus
another looting raid against the Morons.  The Drakes return with their win-
nings and chow down, eating everything in one sitting.

Day 18 and Jon is detailed to raid the Morons.  He tells Uncle that he plans
on crushing their morale once and for all.  Needless to say, he does the
exact opposite.  Jon arrives and tells them that he intends to take a pot.  The
Morons are surprised he doesn't take the shower.  Now that they mentioned
it, Jon wouldn't mind washing his hair.  The Morons give him some sham-
poo and Jon bathes.  Jon then tells the Morons about how they deliberately
threw the "checkers" competition.  Much like Nixon's 'Checkers" speech
boosted and saved his political career, Jon's taunting only made the Morons
more determined.  Der Fuerher Andrew is resolved to teach the Drakes a

The Immunity Challenge is physical.  Three members from each tribe must
support a long pole across each of their shoulders.  Two members then
decide whom on the opposing tribe shall be burdened with two ten-pound
sacks of weight.  Each tribe has 60 such sacks, so they must be strategic in
their use.  Rupert is the focus of the Morgans.  He soon bears a load of 220
pounds.  Jon and Trish decide to spread the weight around both Osten and
Andrew at first, then concentrate on Osten.  After being loaded with 160
pounds, Osten caves in.  Shawn becomes the next target of the Morgans
after the Mighty Rupert gives out from his enormous burden, and shortly
after, Shawn crumbles from 120 pounds.  The Drakes put quite a bit more on
Der Fuerher's shoulders, then load up RyanO.  Then they switch back to
Andrew with 160 pounds.  Christa, the last Drake, also gets up to 160 lbs. 
She amazingly hangs in there longer than Osten, the Uberman.  Der Fuerher
is derh-termined.  He lasts far longer than Osten.  By sheer will, he remains
standing until Christa is eliminated.  Morgan wins!  Tijuana kisses Andrew,
all are proud of him.  He has shown what is required of National Socialism.

Rupert is disgusted.  His tribe as failed again.  Shawn is a wuss and must
leave "HIS ISLAND".  Rupert sulks off to catch some fish.  The others see
him go and Trish pulls out the long knife.  She chats up Jon and Sandra
about how Rupert is a threat and must be booted off now while they have a
chance.  Jon is eager, Sandra reluctant.  She goes and tells Christa, who in
turns tells Rupert.  They plot to get Shawn to help them vote off Trish.  The
Mighty Rupert tells Shawn what is going on.  Rupert explains that the three
of them will vote off Trish and if Shawn is smart, he'll make it four.  Shawn
agrees, but later talks with Jon, who thinks he has Shawn's vote in his pocket.

At Tribal Council, Jeff provokes insight.  After Sandra gives a lame answer
to a lame question, Jeff asks Rupert why he is so sad.  Rupert unloads his
burden for a second time today, and tells Jeff all about how some in his
tribe want to get rid of him.  Despite the fact that he provides fish for them
daily and that there is no guarantee that there will be a merge the next day.
Jeff asks Trish what she thinks.  Trish lies through her teeth about how she
has no idea what Rupert is talking about.  Sandra pipes in that the person
who will be voted off hasn't a clue.  The vote is 4-2 for Trish to go.  She and
Jon voted against Rupert.  For the second time in three days, the Drakes
have buried a snake.

SPOILERS:  Rupert confronts Jon about Jon's vote against him.  Over at
Camp Moron, we have another episode of the continuing struggles of Osten.
This time, even Der Fuerher seems to have had enough.   Osten no longer
has what it takes to be an Uberman.  Andrew is now both Fuerher and the

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