Good Heaven's!
A Harvard Man!
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 30 and Alex is happy with the results of the Tribal Council vote.  By
voting against his pal, Mookie, Alex bought himself a few more days.  Per-
haps enough time to create anarchy.  Earl is not happy with the results.  He
had wanted Alex gone, but went along with the others on splitting their
ballots between Alex and Mookie.  Earl lets everyone know that he's not
going to be swayed again.  Stacy chats with Alex and the others notice.
They send Boo over to break up the conversation.  Alex says that to play
The Game, he'll need a smile, velvet gloves and a knife!

Day 31 and Alex plays lazy to watch how the rest react.  He's now Ninja-
Boy.  Earl tells Cassandra he trusts her, Dreamz and Yau-Man.  The Core
Four.  They talk with Yau, but he's not crazy about having Dreamz along.
Yau-Man sees that once it gets down to Final Four, they'll split bewteen
Earl/Yau and Cassy/Dre.  Yau would rather have someone expendable, like
Stacy, along for the ride.  They all do agree that Alex goes next, then Boo.

The Reward Challenge is primal.  Prime Pork, actually.  Chunks of pork
are suspended on meat hooks.  Players must rip off pieces and then deposit
them on a plate using only their teeth.  Top three by weight get a white-
water raft trip and lunch.  The top player gets the Exile Island selection plus
an advantage at the next Immunity Challenge.  All go at it with gusto.  The
best strategy is done by those who pair-up, with one holding the meat
steady while the other rips.  After five minutes, it's time for the weighing.
Boo: 8.9 lb.s, Yau-Man:  6 lb.s, Dreamz: 6 lb.s, Cassandra:  5.8 lb.s,
Alex:  5.25 lb.s, Earl:  5 lb.s, and Stacy with 4.3 lb.s.  Boo wins and chooses
Earl for Exile Island.  Yau-Man and Dre are to go with Boo on the raft trip.
Jeff hands Boo a purple sack with the IC 'advantage'.

Day 32 and a chopper arrives to fly the winners away.  Boo, Yau, and Dre
are all excited as they get a flying tour of the islands first.  Boo bugs them
with non-stop chatter.  After 90 minutes, they land and walk to river's edge
to board a raft.  The trip is spectacular with amazing scenery.  Back on
Exile Island, Earl gets the second clue.  The second idol is hidden along
a cross-path on a tree near a big rock that stands alone.  Earl is certain he
can find it.  The raft trip ends and the winners get lunch, plus letters from

Day 33 and Dre is complaining about Boo's yakking.  Alex joins in the Boo
bashing.  Later, Dre tells Alex that he is the target, but will try to steer the
others against Boo.  All are gathered for the Immunity Challenge.  Boo
opens his sack and finds three purple ping-pong-like paddles to be used
as climbing steps.  He gets to sit out Round One of the challenge while
the others race to dig up their sets of three paddles.  The first two will join
Boo in Round Two, and use the paddles to climb a 12 foot pole off shore
and get a flag.  Dre gets his three right away.  Yau gets one, then Alex.
Alex then gets his second.  Cassandra just quits, LOL!  Alex gets his third.
He and Dre then join Boo for Round Two.  Boo makes good use of his
long legs and arms, skipping notches in the pole.  Alex tries to just shimmy
up the pole without the paddles.  But he slips at the top and Boo wins!

Back at camp, Earl brings up the need for a unified vote against Alex.  Boo
jokes about giving the immunity necklace to Alex.  Ha-Ha-Ha!  Alex tries
to stay cool and starts schmoozing Cassandra , then Earl and Dre.  He
tries to convince them that Yau-Man will betray them all and take Stacy or
Boo to the finals.  Earl nods along but throws Dre a wink.  Yau suspects
he's being discussed while Dre continues to work on Cassy and Stacy.
Earl has one more chat with Cassandra to keep her on track.

At Tribal Council, Alex says he'll fight to the bitter end.  Yau-Man says he's
confident that his alliances will hold up tonight.  Dre says that after tonight,
the remaining six will duke it out.  Yau thinks his idol will be flushed out
next time.  Alex tries once more to cause trouble.  But when polled by Jeff
as to who's worried, only Alex said he was.  It's time to vote.  Alex votes
for Yau, the rest boot Alex.  Jeff tells them that it's time to start sharpening
the knives!

SPOILERS:  Yau-Man is the focus of trouble.  The competition reaches
new levels.

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji