"Mergers and
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 22 begins with the lads of Ravu.  Alex and Edgardo want some assur-
ances from Mookie about use of the hidden immunity idol.  Mookie, who has
physical possession of it, promises not to use it against them.  They still
have not told Dre about them having it.  Scene shifts to Moto, where tree-
mail arrives.  They are instructed to gather their personal belongings and
one canteen each, then head for Exile Island.  They may not take any tools,
food, flint or rewards.  Moto decides to cook up the rest of the rice to gorge
on.  Ravu gets the same message.  They suspect The Merge is upon them.
The Men's Club decide on attempting to swing Cassandra and Stacey over
to their side to secure power over the new tribe.

Both tribes paddle their outriggers to Exile Island.  Everyone is nervous as
they meet on the beach.  No Jeff, no instructions.  The contestants mill
about till deciding on climbing Tower Hill.  There, they find a chest filled
with new blue buffs and instructions.  They are to paddle together in one
boat to Moto Beach.  This makes everyone, especially Mookie, happy.  He
has yet to enjoy the luxury of the Moto Mansion.  HOWEVER…, once they
arrive, they discover to their shock that the mansion and all facilities and
goodies are gone!  LOL!

All that is left is one pot, one machete, flint and some fishing gear.  Mookie
is disappointed, as are some of the others.  Earl chuckles.  He's not phased
by developments.  To him The Game has now truly started.  The new tribe
picks the name Bula Bula, Fijian for Hello.  Stacey and Michele work on the
new flag, and discuss startegy.  They figure they'll be safe while the men
attack each other first.  While others go foraging, Mookie and Dre work on
Cassandra and Yau-Man, looking for new allies.  The topic is booting Boo
first, then Stacey.  Yau wonders if the other idol was found and who might
have it?  Alex talks with Stacey about allying themselves and again Boo
is the target for the first boot.  Ex-Ravu gathers and hash out a plan.  It's
now that Mookie tells Dre about the hidden immunity idol.  Dre is upset
that he wasn't entrusted earlier.  Later while fishing, Alex and Edgardo
scold Mookie for spilling the beans.  They worry about Dre telling Cassy
who in turn tells Earl.  Alex also brings up recruiting Stacey into their group
for the long-run.  Mookie doesn't like that idea.

Day 23 finds Earl and Cassandra discussing events.  He wants her to play
along and be recruited by Dre and Company.  Dre and Mookie chat about
booting Stacey first instead of Boo.  They're worried that if she is tight
with Alex and Edgardo, they'll be out-numbered in the Final Five. 

It's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Jeff has the men and women draw
stones from separate sacks.  The stones are colored orange and green
and each player is to go to the matching starting mat.  Jeff explains that
while they have merged to one tribe, for this challenge, they'll be split into
two teams.  The winners get immunity and a feast of steaks.  The losers
get Tribal Council.  Orange Team consists of Earl, Cassandra, Boo, Yau-
Man, and Edgardo.  Green has Alex, Mookie, Dre, Stacey and Michele.

The event is another puzzle race.  Yawn!  Too many, Burnett!  Teams are
to paddle off shore to retrieve three bags of puzzle pieces, suspended on
a spiral holder.  Each team gets a long stick with a grabbing tool on the
tip.  After all three bags are retrieved, paddle back to shore where two
players from each team assemble the puzzle.  It consists of six pieces to
be fitted into a turtle mask.  Orange team gets an early lead, thanks to
Yau-Man figuring out quickly how to best use the tool in releasing the
bag.  He's so clever!  Green team fails miserably until after three player
changes.  Alex figures out Yau-Man's secret move and soon they start
after bag #2.  Orange gets all three and heads back for shore.  But they
soon tire or get complacent.  Green Team manages to narrow the lead.
Once on shore, Earl and Yau work on the puzzle.  Michele and Alex work
for Green team, but it's too late.  Orange Team wins!  Jeff tells Green they
must immediately head for Tribal Council.  No time for talking and strate-

Orange Team returns to Moto Beach with steaks, wine and fresh veggies.
Boo starts to work on cooking the feast.  He knows he was most in danger
of being booted tonight and is glad his side won.  Edgardo is worried if
Alex should get the axe.  Yau-Man suspects that Stacey and Michele are
the targets, as they are both alike and expendable.  He IS sooooo clever!

At Tribal Council, Jeff starts wanting to know how The Merge is going?
Dre isn't phased as he has friends on both merging tribes.  Alex was disap-
pointed about missing out on Old Moto's luxuries.  Mookie feels a bit para-
noid, as does Stacey.  Jeff starts prodding for who's least safe.  Stacey
looks to be in trouble as Dre sees no good reason to keep her.  But Alex
comes to her aid.  He declares that the only one he won't vote against is
Michele.  Oh-Oh!  Mookie says The Truth will come out in tonight's vote.
It's time to vote!  Mookie and Michele vote to boot Stacey, the rest follow
Alex's lead and boot Michele.

SPOILERS:  Mookie is mad at Dre for not booting Stacey off.  This causes
Dre to tell Earl about Mookie having the hidden immunity idol.  It's not so
hidden anymore, is it!?!?!  Hahaha!

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji