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Dominican Republic

In December 2007, I went on a trip to the Dominican Republic. We went to a beautiful resort in Punta Canta and spent a week with our family to celebrate my uncle's birthday. The resort was an all-inclusive fare, very accomodating and relaxing. However, even among all the luxury, I felt such a sense of difference between the way we live and the way the Dominican people live. Even though many people have have good jobs working at resorts, their quality of life was nothing like ours is in North America. While I was there, a lady who worked at one of the massage booths asked me if I could get and her friend a drink of Coca Cola. It was 'free' for me, however they weren't permitted to have any. That simple instance in combination with the whole experience, was thought provoking and slightly convicting. I wouldn't mind going back to the Dominican some day, but this time I would like to go with the purpose of helping people who need it.

Hiding in the Bushes
Dominican Sunrise
Dominican Boy

Stopping for a photo in the palm trees while walking along the beach.

A beautiful Dominican sunrise over the beach.

A little Dominican boy holding a Canadian flag that a thoughtful tourist had just given him.


Taking off for a zipcording adventure! While hanging from a metal wire suspended over a valley seems daunting at first, once you take the plunge you realize it's so incredibly fun!

Some beautiful horses that we had the pleasure of riding.

Parasailing high in the sky! I convinced my mom to go up with me and she loved it!

Dominican House
Dominican Kids
Palm Tree

A typical, brightly coloured Dominican house, with the family hanging around outside.

Some kids waving goodbye to our bus, after we had gone on a tour of their home.

A solitary palm tree on the beach. Not afraid to stand out and do it's own thing.