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Each trimester of pregnancy is always going health problems that interfere with the mother and the fetus. The problem there is that is physiological (natural) and there is a disease of pregnancy. The following article will discuss the issue of pregnancy trimester 1, 2 and 3 which are physiological nama bayi and their handling.

Trimester Pregnancy Issues 1

Pregnancy issues that often arise in the first trimester are nausea, vomiting or morning sickness. Nausea-vomiting is influenced by hormonal changes so that the digestive organs to work more slowly. The fix is ​​to eat a little but often, avoid fatty foods and bersantan, and avoid strong-smelling foods.

Another issue that must happen is often BAK. This is due to the enlarged uterus pressing bladder. Although less convenient, but it is recommended that mothers drink plenty of water. How to reduce the complaint is to avoid beverages that contain natural diuretics such as tea and Kegel exercises.

Intestine that slows peristalsis can cause pregnancy problems is constipation. The food is in the large intestine in a long time will harden as much water is absorbed back. To avoid this, you should eat fibrous foods.

Trimester Pregnancy Issues 2

Over the growing uterus cause back heavy loads. As a result, the mother complained of back pain. But avoid sitting and standing for too long because it causes toehold position loads on their backs. You can also do hot and cold compresses on your back for 10-15 minutes.

Abdominal enlargement of pregnancy also cause problems such as itching due to stretching. The itching will leave a mark less good if scratched. Therefore, avoid scratching the itchy area. Instead, do foto bayi warm compresses and anti-itching powder sprinkles give.

Hyperpigmentation in some areas of the body such as the face and abdomen make mothers less comfortable. Because, it is considered to reduce maternal beauty. Use protective of natural ingredients which do not affect the health of the mother and fetus and avoid excessive direct sunlight.

Mothers may experience leg cramps and varicose veins as other pregnancy problems. Perform regular exercise to improve blood circulation thus reduced cramps and varicose veins. Elevate the legs during sleep and avoid sitting cross or compress with warm water.

3 Trimester Pregnancy Problems

Over the growing uterus presses the diaphragm so that the mothers can feel claustrophobic. Avoid carrying heavy loads that can aggravate the complaint. Train yourself to breathe in on a regular basis. It aims to meet the need of oxygen and make the breathing muscle relaxation. Left side sleeping and mild exercise can also help reduce shortness of breath.

In the third trimester is most mothers will experience swollen feet. Swelling caused by fluid buildup that occurs naturally during pregnancy. Swollen feet will get worse if the blood nama nama bayi circulation is less smooth. Therefore, put your feet higher than the blood circulation through the body to run smoothly.

Complaints of frequent urination and difficult bowel back into pregnancy problems during late pregnancy. How to cope with the first trimester. Never hold urine or BAB that complaints do not become severe. May be useful mother.