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Essay 5: Final Essay

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“Be Real”

There are millions of films and novels that enhance our imagination, influence how we think and even question our reasoning. They have a way of making the viewer or reader let go and mentally venture into a different world.

The Matrix is a great example of a film that accomplishes just that. Movies, such as this one, are one of a kind, but The Matrix is much more than just thought-provoking. The film touches many questions, ideas and concepts that people have to handle in the real world. The movie is also in line with Jonathan Bignell’s concept of postmodernism and Tim Blackmore’s theories of cultural relationships. The Matrix is an intense, thought-provoking movie that should be considered as an “all-time classic” because of the film’s intricate plot, engaging postmodern concepts, and provocative theories.

For those who have not seen this remarkable film, The Matrix is a science fiction/action film written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski and starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss and Hugo Weaving. The movie is centered around a computer programmer named Thomas Anderson, the antagonist played by Keanu Reeves. He goes to work and pays his taxes like any other good citizen, but at night Mr. Anderson goes by his hacker alias name, Neo, as he makes special programs for people under the counter. Mr. Anderson lives a routine based life, but he feels like there is something more to this reality.

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Background image from Matrix Fall First image from The Matrix Cover Art