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Essay 4: Video Game Evaluation

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“Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Evaluation”

Action and adventure games are few and far between. The video game market seems to be overcrowded with first-person shooters, sports and racing games. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is a fresh adventure and is true gem for gamers.

The video game has many elements that not only make it a great game, but worthy to be translated into a film. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune for the PlayStation 3 is a great experience for gamers who enjoy action and adventure games because of the game’s humorous and relatable characters, its relatively easy gameplay and controls and unpredictable plot.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is a brand new creation from a gaming studio called Naughty Dog. They have produced a sequence of increasingly more successful games including titles such as Rings of Power and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Sega Genesis. But Naughty Dog is especially known for their Crash Bandicoot series for the PlayStation.

The Crash Bandicoot video games had a tremendous amount of success on the PlayStation and PlayStation 2. Naughty Dog then began working on Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune for the new PlayStation 3 which happened to be similar to the Crash Bandicoot series. Both games have an adventure-styled feel, easy controls, lovable, funny characters and a high fun factor.

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Background image from Uncharted Environment First image from Uncharted Box Art. Second image from Crash Bandicoot Box Art