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If there's luster missing from your carpet, why not hire a professional cleaning company to restore its beauty? Once you have the work done, you can be surprised by how much it makes you feel better! Use the information shared here to learn the right way to get your carpeting cleaned.

Not all carpets can be cleaned by carpet cleaning machines and harsh chemicals. Ask your carpet professional how they evaluate carpeting to determine whether it can withstand their methods. The cleaning process can damage delicate materials such as silk or wool. If you don't know how to clean the carpet, hire a pro.

Know that certain chemicals used in products to clean your carpet could expose your family to deadly substances. You should always know what cleaning products that the company is using.

If you're considering having a professional company clean your carpets, be sure that said company has a real address. You want to have recourse if the company doesn't do a good job, and an office address provides that. Find another company if the only address listed is a P.O. box.

Before you choose a cleaning product, do some testing on your carpet with them. Make sure that the company you hire to clean your carpet tests a small area first. When you do have a good thing, make sure you stick with it.

Clean rugs with a solution of vinegar and warm water. This is much cheaper than cleaning products if you still want good results. You'll need to shop around for the best company to use. Rinse well with warm water and use a fan to dry it.

If someone wants to be a professional carpet cleaner, they need to have certification from the IICRC. This certification is globally recognized as the gold standard for carpet cleaners. This is important if your carpet is under warranty. If there is no certification, the manufacturer may void the warranty on your carpet.


Don't use any other products on it before they arrive. Carpet deodorizers usually consist of fragrance and baking soda. Save money by just using baking soda. If you want a fragrance, simply mix some essential oils to the baking soda prior to applying to to your carpet.

You can check with the chamber of commerce or yellow pages for a good list of the available companies. They will know who is available in your area and they will have record of any complaints that were filed. This will give you many options to choose from.

If smell is the primary reason for wanting your carpets cleaned, you can sometimes solve the problem on your own. Simply sprinkle some baking soda on your carpets and let it sit overnight. Let it sit for a couple of hours and then vacuum it up. This can really make foul smells to go away.

The summer months are commonly the time that carpet cleaning companies offer great discounts. Call around and see what types of deals are being offered. Some companies will offer to clean multiple rooms for the same price it would usually cost to do one. You can also get upholstered furniture items cleaned for free at times.

Don't hire a professional carpet cleaning service based solely on their advertisements. Request references from people you trust. If someone you know liked a company, chances are good you will too. Recommendations are a very efficient method to find a reliable professional with affordable prices.

Investigate to determine that the cleaning company you are interested in has honest people working for them. Drug testing and background screens should have been done on each employee that enters your home. This is critical, because these individuals are probably going to be spending some time in your home.

If you purchase a warranty, make sure that you do not do anything to void it. For instance, before you do anything else to the carpet (like an anti-static treatment), make sure you call your carpet cleaner and discuss it with them. You aren't going to want to find out the warranty is voided.

There are many questions that you can ask about carpet cleaning. Ask them the methods they use for cleaning carpets and whether they would work on yours. Also, discuss whether or not they are certified. It is much better if they have been in business for a while.

Find out if a carpet cleaning company provides a satisfaction guarantee for their cleaning. If they don't adequately clean your carpeting, they should come back and do it again. If the company guarantees it can remove all stains, but there are still stains left, you should get a reduced price.

If your carpet suffers any water damage and you need a company to help you clean it, you should hire them within two days. If you wait more than 2 days, the damage to your carpet will be irreparable. Contact a professional as soon as possible and explain the situation in detail to make sure they bring the right equipment and products.

Always ask a cleaning company what makes them stand out from others in their fiend. You don't want to hear them answer, "Because." If this is all they can give you, move on. Choose a company with excellent references and a proven track record in the field.

Doing it yourself will never again be an option once you have had your carpets cleaned by the professionals. This article should give you some direction for finding a great service. Your carpet can look good as new after you let the professionals take care of it.