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The joining of two lives in a marriage ceremony is a very special thing. In addition to the romance of the occasion, the ruffles and flourishes of a wedding often make it a beautiful, visual event. To keep stress down and happiness up, it is important to properly prepare for your wedding. Use the information and advice from this article to assist you in planning a day that will be cherished forever.

Personalize your wedding by including unique touches that express the essence and interests of you and your new spouse. Select a theme that represents the time that you have spent with each other.

Have your wedding on the property of a family member or friend. If someone you know has a nice backyard or a large farm, this can save a lot of money. You could pay for a cleaning service to come through before and after the wedding and make that the only cost.

Take your time when writing vows, and spend as much time as you need to write something meaningful. Keep in mind that your marriage is a strong bond between two parties that must both compromise and sacrifice. Don't just make a list of promises, however. Your vows are also your opportunity to express your deep love for your partner.

Even if your gut tells you otherwise, you should never commit to a wedding photographer without considering several other options. You don't want to end up with wedding pictures that you're unhappy with. Get recommendations from people you know if you aren't sure who to use.


Vacation goody baskets make great delivery presents to guests at your destination wedding. This gift basket can include helpful items such as sunscreen, sunglasses, disposable cameras and tourist maps that add a nice touch of flavor to the vacation. One piece that will really make this idea a hit with everyone is to include a restaurant guide so that all your guests are able to find options that they enjoy.


Receptions are best held in the early afternoon. Choosing a midday reception may help you to cut down on alcohol cost, since many people would be less likely to drink early in the day. Furthermore, lunch receptions are often less expensive than dinner receptions. This allows you to add more to your menu or use the savings elsewhere.

Make sure the lights at DJ for Events your reception venue have dimmer switches. This small detail allows for little things like low lights on the first dance, and bright for the duration of the event. Inquire about details, such as lighting, before you decide on a reception venue.

If the guests are going to enjoy a meal consisting of multiple courses, make sure they are entertained by keeping little candies in a dish at the table in between the serving times of the courses. You can also offer crackers, but sweets that match the wedding colors are a great choice.

If the happy couple have different backgrounds, both ought to be taken into consideration when planning for the wedding. This means having a ceremony that fits the groom and bride's culture and at the reception, having decor, food and rituals from both backgrounds. This helps make sure that everyone is satisfied, and that helps them feel involved and part of the big day.

If you have children in the ceremony, dress them comfortably. Choose fabrics that are soft against the skin and that fit without bunching or pinching. The children's new shoes should be broken in and comfortable. This small detail can ensure that the children remain focused on their part in the wedding, instead of fidgeting with uncomfortable clothing.

If your reception does not involve a sit down meal, hire furniture instead of traditional tables. Lounge chairs, sectional sofas and loveseats can be arranged into groupings that encourage your guests to intermingle. Plush seating is also conductive to a relaxing time, and is comfortable for those with mobility issues. You can also use your furniture to customize your space.


Weddings bring out the greatest parts of everyone, but if you start to feel overwhelmed from the stress of the day, you can start to feel as if your wedding is showcasing the worst of you. By using the tips that you have learned from this article, you can avoid a wedding disaster.