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Deep Midnight
The Story

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Isabella is one of the most beautiful women in the small coastal town of Crescent Harbor, Massachusetts. She grew up there, knowing everything about it. When she was seventeen, she felt as if there were eyes on her, like she was being watched at all times. But always when she would try to find the source of the gaze, it would be gone. Until the night of the Fall Harvest, the night He came for her.

That night Gregori came, and she would never be the same after waking up on the cold ground beside the abandoned farmhouse ten miles outside of the Crescent Harbor city limits. Waking up, she only knew that she was no longer where she had been before losing conscious, and touching the side of her neck she felt the two gaping wounds that something had pierced her skin and left the two pin-marks there.

That evening she went to her best friend's house, not far from the grounds where she was attacked. She had literally slept the day away, and had no real recollection of the previous events. Stefan was kind to her, taking her under the protection of his shoulder. Handsome and Italian, she would always love him as a dear friend but would never go beyond that. When she told him that all she could remember was waking up on the forest ground beside the abandoned farmhouse, and awoke with fresh marks on her neck, he immediately went ramrod stiff, and if she could see it, he lost some of the color that had been flushing his Roman-like facial features that seemed to be carved straight from a medallion.

"Stefan, what is wrong?" Bella asked. But to her immediate dismay, he did not answer. All he could do was pull her close while shutting his eyes closed tightly, telling her in soothing tones that everything was going to be alright.

He told her everything, what he was, what he had become so long ago. And if his instincts were correct, his brothers had followed him here to this small coastal town. He had two brothers, Gregori and Dominic, and they were like he was. Gregori was the more ruthless of the brothers, taking and demanding what he wanted without a single damn in the world. Dominic was more mellow, but still had an air of dominance, but not to be compelled by his brother. Stefan, who had moved to get away from them and start a life into the light, was more compassionate, but also more quiet and solemn. He was anguished, as if something in his past had hurt him deeply and she could not completely reach him. She could sense it had something to do with his brothers. She knew immediately from the way he spoke of the eldest one, Gregori, that he was without a doubt the one who had attacked her.

Vampire, yes. But not by choice.

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