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Skin, Hair & Body Care on a Budget

Let’s face it – skin, hair & body care can get pretty expensive, but if you are creative enough, you can supplement your traditional skin, hair & body care routine with budget friendly products and techniques. This doesn’t mean that you have to beg your best friend to give you a haircut, but it does mean that you could be putting more time and effort into creating your own skin, hair & body care products.

There a so many recipes available for homemade beauty products and all of the ingredients you need tend to be pretty affordable. In fact, you might even be surprised at how many you have in your own pantry right now. If you have never tried skin, hair & body care on a budget, you are probably not convinced that homemade beauty products are as effective as the scrubs, cleansers, and moisturizers you can get at your local drug store.

Believe it or not, you can achieve the same great results using homemade skin, hair & beauty care products as you would with conventional brands. You simply need to understand the properties of each ingredient that you use and how they can contribute to your overall skin, hair and body health. Below, you will find a list of some of the most popular ingredients used in homemade skin, hair & beauty care products and the benefits of each one.

You will notice that some of these ingredients are commonly listed in many of the products you purchase already.

The most common ingredients found in homemade skin, hair & body care products:

Oats – Oatmeal scrubs are some of the most popular beauty products available on the market today, but why spend all that money on a product that is full of chemicals and artificial ingredients when you can create a wholesome homemade beauty product with healthy ingredients?  Not to mention the fact that do-it-yourself skin, hair & body care is much easier on your pocketbook than the expensive brand name beauty products.

Oats are an exfoliating staple when it comes to crafting your own beauty products. Combine oats with warm water to create a soothing scrub for your entire body. Oats are also a natural anti-inflammatory, so your muscles and joints will thank you too!

Lemons –Skin, hair & body care remedies are easy to make and use very simple ingredients like lemons. In addition to being a wonderful exfoliating agent for your skin, lemons are also a natural toner that you can use to clean out your pores and show off your beautiful shiny skin. Oily skin can be your worst enemy, but when you use homemade skin, hair & body care products that contain lemon as a main ingredient, you will be able to combat your oily skin and have clean and bright skin instead.

Who knew that lemons were such a powerful skin cleansing ingredient? The next time you are at the market, make sure you pick up a few extra lemons to use for your homemade skin, hair & body care products.

Cucumbers –You know the classic scene of a woman relaxing in a day spa with cucumbers resting on her eyes? Well, there are actually plenty of skin and body care benefits associated with cucumbers! Whether you are placing cucumber slices on your eyes to reduce puffiness or using cucumber shavings in a cleansing and refreshing facial mask, you will love the cool, crisp feeling of this healing vegetable on your skin.

Cucumber has a high water content which means that it is also great to use as a body care ingredient when you want to rid your body of toxins. This diuretic will help flush your system and make you feel great.

Yogurt –Before you get a little grossed out by the idea of using yogurt as an ingredient in your homemade skin, hair & body care products, just wait until you see all of the amazing benefits of yogurt. When you need intense conditioning on your hair, but you don’t want to expose your lovely locks to all of the harsh chemicals found in hair care products, try creating a paste out of yogurt and applying it to your hair just as you would a conditioner.

Yogurt makes hair soft and allows you to work out any difficult tangles. Yogurt is also an amazing natural product for your skin. Make a yogurt mask by combining yogurt, lemon, and oats. Gently rub this healing scrub all over your face, neck, and any other part of your body that needs a little intense exfoliation treatment.

Olive oil –Olive oil truly is nature’s moisturizer. Infuse some olive oil with your favorite scent and you have yourself an incredible, all-natural skin moisturizer that is perfect for the cold winter months when your skin needs the most TLC. Olive oil is also great for taming your frizzy hair when it gets out of control. Don’t apply too much or your hair will start to look a little greasy! Pour a few drops of olive oil in your hands and spread it evenly throughout your hair to add some moisture, sleekness, and shine.

Even men can take advantage of the moisturizing properties of olive oil by using it on their face as an after shave or on their cracked hands in the winter time.

These are only a few of the ingredients you can use to make healthy, homemade skin, hair & body care products. Having to think on your feet and get creative forces you to find different affordable ways to maintain your beauty care routine without emptying your wallet. Just remember the next time you are standing in the body care section of the store, challenge yourself to see how many amazing skin, hair & body care products you can make at home using wholesome ingredients.

It is important to look good, but it is also important to make sure that you are not sacrificing other things in your life in order to keep up appearances. Balance your beauty care and your budget by trying some of these easy to find ingredients in your own skin, hair & body care products.