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Attention all Men: Enhance Your Skin, Hair & Body Care with These Simple Tips

A healthy skin, hair & body care routine is not just limited to women looking to improve their physical appearance. Guys can also benefit from many common skin, hair & body care techniques like moisturizing, exfoliating, and eating well. If you are a guy looking for some simple ways to improve your skin, hair & body care without become the brunt of all your friends’ jokes, these subtle tips will help you achieve the look you want without a lot of fuss.

Skin, hair & body care regimens for men are vastly different than a woman’s daily routine. Most guys take twenty minutes or less in the bathroom each day to cover all of the body care needs whereas women can spend hours in front of the mirror and still be unhappy with the results. Maybe guys will never need to spend as much time on grooming and body care as women, but it is becoming increasingly important for men to be more aware of their physical appearance and hygiene.

Men’s skin, hair & body care tip – A little good hygiene goes a long way. For guys, good hygiene is paramount when it comes to maintaining a good skin, hair & body care routine. Men’s hygiene is becoming a popular marketing tool for companies like Axe and Old Spice who have entire product lines dedicated for men only. Even though a lot of guys don’t want to put any “smelly stuff” on their body, it is so important to smell fresh and clean every time you leave your house.

There are so many options on the market for men now for body washes, scrubs, lotions, and other health and beauty products. If you are a guy who is looking to increase your sex appeal by putting a little more effort into your personal appearance, try out some of these products just for men as part of your regular skin, hair & body care routine. Women will definitely notice the fact that your hands are softer than the other guys who refuse for use good smelling scrubs and lotions.

Men’s skin, hair & body care tip – Don’t be ashamed to get manicures and pedicures. Before you skip this section and move right on to tip three, just think about how often you hear women complain about a guy’s hands, nails, and feet. Now, why wouldn’t you want to stand out from the other guys by taking care of your hands, nails, and feet with regular manicures and pedicures?

The stigma attached to guys who take pride in their skin, hair & body care should not prevent you from taking care of your appearance and having pride in the way you present yourself. There is nothing wrong with a guy who wants to clean up their hands and feet with a manicure or a pedicure. In fact, you should be embracing the idea of doing things with your skin, hair & body care routine that will get the attention of the ladies.

Men’s skin, hair & body care tip – Eat more salads. As if you couldn’t tell, many of these skin, hair & body care tips for men involve breaking the traditional perspective of how a man is supposed to look or act. Guys are supposed to be steak and potatoes people, and should have a natural distaste for any form of green vegetable and most fruits. Sticking with this stereotype can be pretty detrimental to your general health since fruits and vegetables are so important to help you obtain a healthy skin, hair & body care routine.

The next time you are out to dinner with a group of friends, try ordering a healthier option instead of your usual smothered pork chops. You may get discerning looks from the other guys in your party, but it will be worth it when you wake up feeling much better about your food choices the next day. You can also try healthier snacking to replace your afternoon ritual of potato chips and red bull.

When you start eating a diet that complements your skin, hair & body care regimen, you will notice a major improvement in your physical appearance.

Men’s skin, hair & body care tip – Join your girlfriend the next time she goes to the spa.

Again, before you skip this section, just think about your goal of increasing your skin, hair & body care in order to look and feel better. Who wouldn’t love a nice relaxing spa day every now and then? Even guys can benefit from the skin and body treatments available at a day spa. Guys tend to have rougher skin than woman, which means that exfoliating treatments are that much more valuable in a guy’s skin, hair & body care routine.

Going to the spa is another one of those activities that has been associated with a woman’s beauty care routine, but there is no reason why a guy can’t enjoy the special face and body treatments at a spa.

The idea that men should not be taking as much of an interest in their skin, hair & body care as women is pretty old fashioned. More and more guys are recognizing how important it is to keep up with their personal grooming, hygiene, and body care. Being invested in your appearance involves more than simply hitting the gym five days a week to bulk up.

You may be able to sculpt a hot body, but if you have a poor complexion and rough scaly hands, women are not going to care about your bulging biceps. If you don’t start paying more attention to your skin, hair & body care, you will fall way behind this growing trend that men everywhere are catching on to.

Gone are the days where guys have to hide the fact that they put a lot of care and effort into their personal appearance. You should be proud to maintain a healthy skin, hair & body routine that reflects a healthier version of yourself.