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My Hobbies...Playing with steel...
These pages still under construkshon

This dagger will be about $180.00 when completed.

Custom knives you can start simply by stock removal from car springs, coil springs that can be flattened in the forge. A rough shape hammered out and the with the aid of the angle grinder....finnished off. hardening and tempering are fairly simple.

Or as I've said earlier I am happy to help you, find, make, or find bits for a forge.

This pig sticker was $170.00.
Made from a pitted car spring, this has a 10 inch blade and a handle you can swing off. I dont mind the pits myself, gives them character (this style of knife anyway). The blade shape and taper for the blade was done on the forge, then finishing off with the 4" and the linnisher. Hardenning and tempering on the forge then final clean and polish(not shown).

This Chef's Chopper was $70.00.
I cut two blanks for this so one is available.
Blank only, is $30.00 + postage, Or $70.00 as shown.

This shape was cut from a band saw blade that came from a nightmare I'm sure.
They made this saw to cut cars in half or something. The blade shape and taper for the blade was done with the 4" and the linnisher. Hardenning and tempering on the forge then final clean, then the handle area was normalised, drilled, and handle scales applied.
Cracks in a timber handle can be filled with resin or even super glue over a couple of days, and then polished. Sometimes the patterns left can be deliberate.

My email..

These may not be redy yet so just WAIT!
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