Angelic Healing c/o Kim Williston #22 - 51 Sholto Drive London, Ontario N6E 2H9 (519) 878-0263

AZNA, Part Two 

  You can even address Azna aggressively. Say, "I want this now, Azna. Please tend to me. Help me Now!!". I think anything that is spoken out loud carries with it more power. So if possible talk out loud even if you are screaming. Azna will not take offense with it. Remember She feels your emotions and knows just how you are feeling. I want to deepen your understanding of the mothering concept so that you can learn to petition Mother God to interfere in your life. The male counterpart cannot interfere. That is a static, constant unchanging, unbending principle. But emotion which is Mother God can move, nurture, love, soften and make well; it can ever alter your chart. Your chart is the contract made with God to experience certain facts of knowledge. This is where our self programming can come in so strongly, if you were meant to have an accident, then ask Mother God to intervene so that you get a nick on your fender not a head-on collision. This way you were meant to have an accident and you still fulfilled your chart. She is omnipresent! Emotion is what She is. She will not enter or interfere unless She is called on; in contrast, Father God's constancy in holding us omnipresent. But unless She is actually called upon, She will not break your privacy or interfere. On this planet, the one thing that will make you sick and ill is your emotion. I want you to consider this: when you are in the right frame of mind and your emotions are stable, nothing sets you off. But if your frame of mind and emotions are askew, then everything sets you off. Call upon Azna. She will interfere, make concessions, and create things to happen for you, while staying within the lateral movement of your chart and still allowing you to fulfill your chart. Charts are very specific in most areas but are blanked out in some places, which means that you really wanted to go into a desert - into uncharted territory. When that period comes, there is aloneness, fear, and a frightening realization. You feel that death is imminent and that loss is coming. All those horrible, depressing things! That is when She is the most effective. Rather than create emotion, She comes in and stabilizes the right emotion. Also when you feel lost and not sure what direction to go in or how to get out of the situation that you are faced with and there seems to be no end in sight. She is a free moving God. She is the Interferer, the Mover. He is the Unmoved Mover. He is static and constant, holding everything within His own realm, within His silhouette. She can dart in and out, and be where ever She needs to be. She is not bound by a static nature. That is why She is the overall Earth ruler. When called, She comes faster than Om (Father God) can move. His staticness is omnipotent and does not move, although it is holding, loving, giving and caring. Prima Mobilae means "First Mover", but He does not move! But within His silhouette and His structure, He is holding you in love and encompassing just as a mother would a child, nurturing you within His own body.

Angelic Healing
c/o Kim Williston
#22 - 51 Sholto Drive
London, Ontario N6E 2H9
(519) 878-0263