Azna is coming around very strongly now. She is very strong, and powerful. The world and earth has put her to sleep for many thousands of years yet She has always been there. When you speak the name of the God who loves you, it becomes stronger. All the sightings of the Blessed Mother are actually Azna, Mother God. It doesn't matter what you call Her as She has appeared at Lourdes, Fatima and Guadeloupe. She appears everywhere. She can also appear as anyone and race. Azna is the keeper of the living and of life. This doesn't mean She doesn't have dominion on the Other Side as well, She rules physical life and everything that has to do with humans and human emotions. Like His work, Hers is never done. Your intellect was given to you by Father and your emotions by the Mother. She is the only one who interferes in life. She can intercept and make better, alleviate sorrow and make less pain. If there are any miracles to be wrought, She is the one who will do it! He cannot and will not interfere, though His love is constant, encompassing and constantly channels knowledge. All you need is a door or crack for Her to get through. She really is the Prima Mobilae. Now, She is coming into her own time. That really is what the New Age is about. It is the time of the intercession of the Mother Goddess. When you come together to honour Her, you loosen Her chains one more notch. Then She is empowered. It begins to spread out, and the feminine principles are empowered so that it brings about peace in the world. None of the men should feel bad, because the feminine principle is also in each one of you, you must awaken it. It is the same that every woman must awaken the masculine side. If you are having financial problems, a lawsuit, emotional issues etc., Azna will interfere and help you with this, if you petition Her. She is a crusader against negative energy. Visualize Her standing in front of you with Her beautiful golden sword, which can literally take the brunt of any negative energy. See Her slicing through the negative and issues of difficulty. Don't be irritated by all the small things that happens in life because all the small and large things that happen will be brushed away. If you truly have a sense of knowing and faith in the Mother Goddess, who is the only deity that can activate, you are going to find that She can brush things way. Constantly say to her, "Mother, You handle this." You can use this for anything that is going on in your life that you would like Azna to help you with.

Angelic Healing
(519) 878-0263