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The Creed

* Joined in Honor and Executed through Valor *

In a world so filled with danger, where orcs and their evil likes loom, seemingly around every bend, those who can fight are most often hailed as the heroes and given generous applause. There is more, however, to the mantle of Hero than strength of arm or prowess in battle. Strength of character and higher standards of honor, integrity, empathy and decency are the foundation of a true Hero. True Heroes hone the strengths of the body while embracing the harmonies of their souls. We, the Champions of Order, above all else, believe in Honor, Dignity, and the basic premise that Truth and Goodness must prevail. We hold ourselves out to higher standards and give great consideration and importance to intelligent adventurers whose higher principles guide their actions and blades. If your honor cannot be questioned and you would like your contributions to the good of the realms to be filled with empathy and valor of higher precedent then we are always looking to further our ranks with like-minded adventurers who believe that their honor and integrity must be beyond reproach. We feel strongly the color of your skin and the reputation of your heritage will not deter noble deeds and therefore race and class hold no credence but rather, all who prove themselves worthy are welcome.

The Champions of Order exists to uphold the honorable values set apart by the great Verant to guide the world known as Norrath. Through our strengths, among them unity and fellowship, we vow to overcome the hardships that we must endure in this great land. We vow to serve all in our guild, walk with empathy as our constant companion, provide assistance to all in need, and encourage the strong to uphold these principles as well. We will provide healing to the wounded, direction to the lost, food to the hungry, and knowledge with wisdom to those who strive to better themselves.

In all, our goal is to provide a nurturing, encouraging environment for all adventurers, and to help any and all who are in need. We, the Champions of Order, stand ready to serve you in your journeys. May our paths cross, may your chosen God shower blessings upon those paths and may we all have the courage to rise up and heed the call of honor.