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January 8, 2000
Meeting commenced at approximately 9:40pm CST in the tunnel to NRO on the Ecomm side
Present at meeting:

1. Cacha brought the meeting to order at approximately 9:40pm CST with the first order of business being….congrats, Cacha dinged.
2. Information of each guild member (race, class, level, skills, etc.) should be sent to Brynne via e-mail.
3. Cacha brought up a need for a records clerk of some kind for the guild; Cacha motioned for this official office; Atheneza seconded the motion and nominated Brynne; Turbec seconded the nomination. Brynne was officially made the guild records clerk until further notice. Brynne will compile the information and make up a table of all character guild members and their pertinent information as well as assist Atheneza with the website and keep a member list with e-mail addresses and a guild calendar. The records clerk duties are to be more fully discussed by the Council and a full description of those duties shall be made at a later guild meeting. The issue as to whether the records clerk position shall be an officer position with a promotion shall also be discussed by the Council and the decision be disclosed at a later guild meeting.
4. Some old business was brought to the guild’s attention by Cacha involving Cerdian. Cacha informed the guild that this old business was closed with no action necessary. Cacha offered that anyone who was present at the guild meeting had any questions regarding this old business to please send him a /tell.
5. Minimum level for guild entrance of any kind was discussed. A motion for a vote of making the minimum level of 12 be a requirement before guild entrance (with some exceptions) was made and seconded. There were 3 against this motion; 6 for this motion; and 1 no vote. Therefore, by majority the minimum level for guild entrance is 12 (with exceptions being reviewed on a case-by-case basis).
6. A motion by Hamaar was made to induct new members and was seconded by Kgaul. Potential new members were: Hodo, Tuene, Mcvar, Timbre, Magali, Lade, Nikodemos, Lisen, and Changling. Cacha directed that he would list the potential new member’s name and anyone who had grouped with this potential new member (pnm) or had any input to place say so and then we would vote on them.

PNM Sponsors Guild Acceptance
Hodo Brynne, Nibian, Cacha, Hamaar Aye
Tuene Brynne, Cacha, Adoria Aye
Mcvar Kgaul, Lemual, Cacha, Cerdian Aye
Changling Adoria, Atheneza, Brynne, Cerdian, Cacha Aye
Magali Brynne, Kgaul, Cacha Aye
Nikodemos Cacha, Brynne, Kgaul, Cerdian, Hamaar Aye
Lisen Cacha, Brynne, Kgaul Aye
Lade Brynne, Nibian, Changling, Hamaar Aye
Timbre Brynne, Nibian, Tulox (via Kgual) Aye
Jacenn Cacha, Brynne, Cerdian (exception, lvl 11) Aye

New Business: 1. A suggestion was made by Brynne that it may be a good idea to have some form of a guild item repository. After discussion and ideas and brainstorming a motion was made and a vote taken and majority voted Aye to a guild repository. Therefore, the guild will have a repository of items. In an effort to give everyone ample time to think about this repository and how we may do it and who will be the treasurer of it we decided to discuss the completion of this item at the next guild meeting.
2. Two reminders by Brynne: (1) the next guild meeting is January 8, 2000 at 9:00pm CST same place (tunnel to NRO); (2) please send all information to Brynne’s email on all guild members (all characters who are in the guild) and their pertinent information so we can update the website and such. The guild meeting was then adjured by Cacha at approximately 9:50pm CST. Many of us went afterwards and helped Jacenn ding to lvl 12 which was successful. END OF GUILD MEETING MINUTES FOR MEETING ON 01/08/00.

PS: Our guild meetings (unless otherwise informed via e-mail) shall be the first and third Saturdays of the month (exception was January due to the first Saturday being New Year’s Day). Therefore, February guild meetings (as scheduled at this point) shall be February 5, 2000 and February 19, 2000 at 9:00pm CST (unless you receive an e-mail for some reason rescheduling the guild meeting). For those who may not know, if you have someone you would like to recommend join the guild and sponsor them then they must have grouped with at least three current members of the guild for the purpose of, among other things, ascertaining their attitude and playing style.