White Tiger's Poetry
Enter Farther into Knowledge

You are on the way HOME

The Story of My Life

A Cry For Help

My Introduction to Religions

Mine and Yours:

My Poetry
Tessa's (White Tiger's) Poetry

John Keats
WB Yeats
William Woodsworth
William Blake

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I sincerely hope that you enjoy the following poetry as much as I did... and with great pleasure I give you Tessa's poetry:

Midnight Tears
Why do I cry, when the clock strikes midnight?
At that time, my emotions sore like a flying kite.

At this time I think about stuff way too much.
About life, about friends, family, and such.

I think about my parents always getting in a fight.
And how my dad was a coward, and drove out of sight.

I think about my friends, and how lucky I am.
They are my angels who don’t deserve sadness to conquer them.

I think about my grandpa who died a short time ago.
He was a good man, I wish he didn’t go.

When I think about these things my heart starts to ache.
But I’m not aloud to cry, so I put myself together, give myself a shake.

So at night when I’m crying all alone, and no-one cares.
I pick up my gift from a friend, my precious teddy bear.

At night when my parents are asleep, it's then I let out my fears.
As the clock strikes 12, my eyes fill up, with these midnight tears.

Get Away To It All
The darkness brings the demons
that scratch and claw my soul,
gnawing from the inside;
they’re gaining all control.

The darkness brings my comfort,
which keeps me safe from here,
holds me back from torture;
it shuts out all my fear.

The darkness brings reminders,
of what tomorrow holds,
everything I must sustain,
as the day unfolds.

The darkness brings me happiness,
holding on to good,
everything I want to do,
and everything I could.

The darkness brings insanity,
feeling safe and trapped,
in the arms of shadows,
but in my soul they tapped.

The darkness brings forgiveness,
saying its okay,
because what lies ahead of me,
becomes another day.

The darkness brings me punishment,
for everything I did
slowly forcing back, me,
to the days from which I hid.

My So-Called friend
the things you do make me insane
sometimes I just wanna hurt you.
You can be really sweet and concerned
but then you are mean and complicated.

You lie to people and betray their trust.
You hook up with every guy you see
and then try to deny everything.
Then you run to me cause I am your one true friend.

Right after you do something wrong,
you must know what’s coming next.
I get mad and you get sad,
and then it’s all over again.

But this time it’s different
you did something huge,
something I will never forget.
And this time you have no one to run to.

You should have learned your lesson by now.
You should have learned not to do those things.
But now were here and what did you do?
You betrayed my trust again.

Then time will pass.
And I may forgive you for the things you did.
But that chance is slim, slim to none,
and we might never be friends again.

Questions of the Heart.
What can be said?
What can be done?
When you want to believe
it will be the same with this one.

But how can you speak of love
When none of its ever been said
You wouldn’t let yourself fall in love
You swore you’d never get in over your head.

But you know things are changing
All the wrongs are feeling so right
your head tells you not to change
but your heart tells you to give up the fight.

So which one do you follow?
Which one should you choose?
Which one do you have to listen to
when either way you have something to lose?

You could lose your heart
or you could miss the chance
which should you risk
and which should you pass without a second glance.

So you said you’d never fall
but now you’re in deep
you think of him when you are awake
He invades your dreams when you are asleep.

So now what can you do?
Can you even make yourself believe
you begin to ask the questions
can everyone tell? Can everyone see?

What if they can?
Then again what if they don’t?
Do you hope they will?
Or do you hope they wont?

How can you decide?
When you don’t know your own heart?
You’ve never loved before
Is now the time to start?

You can question over and over
Search for every answer to find
but in the end, always know.
That heart wins over mind

The Story of A Girl...
You see this girl everyday, never wearing a smile, always a frown.
You see her with her friends, she will pretend to laugh, but usually has her head down.

You see her run out of classes with tears streaming down her face.
You see her friends run after her, in this crazy chase.

You see her, and wonder, what makes her so sad, what is wrong?
The truth is she is exhausted, and has been hurting far too long.

You see her, try to cover up everything that is hurting her inside.
You see her, try to smile, try to lie about her life, try to hide.

You see...she was assaulted 1,2,3 actually 4 times before.
She has tried to put it behind her, but it's still there, she can't find the cure.

She hates herself way too much, she thinks she is hated by all.
She thinks no one will be there for her, if she ever has a fall.
She never sleeps, she always cries, it's driving her insane.
She hurts herself, when she gets upset, to try to ease the pain.

You see... This girl needs help, wherever she can find it, wherever it may be.
You see this is The Story of A Girl and the girl in the story is me!

My life is like a speeding train
about to go around another bend.
I don’t know what lies ahead.
I try to pay attention.
I want to move on.
But part of me needs to slow down.
I try to slow down,
I need to think.
Is this what I want?
Am I headed in the right direction?
But I am moving too fast,
how do I stop?
I try and try; I don’t want to crash.
I don’t know of the obstacles,
and I don’t know of the rainbows.
Should I take this chance?
I won’t get a second.
I don’t have a map to tell me
right from wrong.
The turn is coming; I’m almost there...
My time is up, its time to choose.
Which way will I go?
What will I do?
What will I find?
What will happen to me?

The Fire within
The darkness closes in
They rub their salt in my open wounds
it smells like hell
Fire in me
yet water surrounds me
the warmth within
which is attainable only
through death.

It is not the size of the flame
but the heat with which it burns
Consuming its way
through my soul
leaves me gutted
A burnt carcass

The water
Conflicts the flame
But it can not put it out
It feeds it
And forces it

Corner of my mind
in the corner of my mind,
I try to run but I'm still behind
I don't know the meaning of this life anyway
I try to find a way to get around this place
but I'm blind and I can't see.

And I'm going to find a way
to make this feel ok
cause its hard to find
safety in my mind

and I’m sitting with god
and I’m dyeing with death
and I’m laughing with you
and smelling satins breath
just falling

I am spinning, faster and faster,
going in circles till the wind
drowns out my laughter.

I am in a hole, small, but deep.
This spinning is hypnotising;
it’s tracing me into sleep.

I am in a tunnel with a light at the end.
But, I’m not getting any closer.
I am stuck at this bend.

What am I to do? Where am I to go?
Am I being forced to stay,
in this environment that I don’t know?

Am I awake, or am I asleep?
In this never ending hole
that seems so deep.

Is this a lesson, we all have to learn?
I am so confused.
This is scalding my brain like a burn.

No matter where I go, I will cope.
And find that light someday I hope.



What was to be?
I heard it growl in the distance
A mere smile it brought to my face
A creature of the night
Dressed in black with a ferocious bite
Most would scream in fright
But no for me you see
For it was my destiny
I turned around and there it stood
Tall dark and shinning if it could
A crimson flow down its lips
A hunger, like a hound
It moved with slender majesty
And I stirred just a bit as in encircle me
I felt its touch and warmth inside me
I knew exactly what was to be
I asked not and dared not
Its sharp fangs shot into my neck
And I gasped for air
Reached out but there was nothing there
Waking up looking around
I found I was not alone
And all I could hear
Was a slight whimper
Or perhaps a moan
A little boy crouched in a corner
Shivering at the sight of me
For he too knew what was to be. So alone
What is this happiness everyone talks about
And where can I get my own
I've been living my life to long without out
I don’t like being alone

I’m so happy
Is what everyone say
I want a smile on my face, like theirs
Or else I can’t live another day

Another day of loneliness
Is just too hard to bear
My heart can’t take another blow
My life’s just been unfair

Why does everyone else have
Someone right by there side
To love care and stay with them
To give them strength and pride?

I’m all-alone in life
With no one to keep me whole
I sit alone in darkness
With just myself and my soul

I am my only friend
With no happiness to spread
No one deserves to live like this
They’re better off dead

I find my self in tears
With no reason to explain
They seem to flow naturally
Since I've gotten used to the pain

What is this happiness?
That my life’s been without
I guess I don’t deserve it
That’s not what I’m about

I have to be alone
To watch my life pass by
With no comfort from friends
Till the lonely day I die

Lady Pain
Lady pain
Lady pain
Standing at the window
Laughing at the rain
She wears a crown of
Sorrow and tears
Of dying dreams
Of sadness and fears
She play with your mind
Like a cult, you believe
Like a drug that you need
Like a jail, you won’t leave
She grasps at my starving soul
A void
A wound
An empty hole
This demonic angel
Lady pain
Standing at my window
Laughing at the rain.

Where shall we go?
The wind screamed with pain
Shivered with fear
And cried itself to sleep
The moon hung in shame
With the stars to comfort
The sound of the night
The light of life shown bright
In mourning rays
With dew soaked eyes
The children played
The people laughed
But one lonely heart bleed
Before the soul could
The love for a man
Grew faint at the sight
For where we have been
And where we shall go
The wind
The moon
The light all knew
But the children
The people
The love had no clue.

Pretty Dead Rose
You think to your self
That all is all right
You think to your self
But still you try and fight.
To over come
This abandonment
You feel like s*ht
Pretty dead rose.
You’re beautiful in your own way
You’re evil now and evil stays
And never again you’ll speak
And now and forever you will lie there
And die.
Stare at each soul with hate
He left you there by choice, not fate
Wonder why he can’t handle this
Wonder about your wrist.
And all is gone
For nothing stays
When love is murdered
And rearranged.
Caught in this trap
Caught in despair
You close your eyes
So nothings there.
Pretty dead rose
Lying in the grass
Reminds me of hatred
And all these times past.
But love it not
Or love it still
You died by fate
And not my will.

Try to realise,
How I’m feeling inside.
Know that I’m scared,
And need someone there.
It’s hard to explain,
I don’t know if I can.
My feelings towards you;
I’ve never felt this way.
It’s like when you look at me,
I get a twinkle in my eye.
And god knows I’m trying to hide,
All the feelings I keep inside.
And I know you’re more ambitious,
Than I will ever be…
And I know you don’t need me,
And I’m scared that you’ll leave.
I know how THAT is,
I’ve felt that way before.
Only the tables are turned,
And I’m getting burned.
I’ve never got attached,
That is until now.
And I don’t want you to know,
That I’m scared to death you’ll go.
For the first time in a long time,
I want somebody there.
Someone to comfort me,
Someone to care.
I’m scared that you’re tired,
And want to move along.
I guess I deserve that,
For all the things I once did wrong.

These silent tears,
they fall heavy & in streams,
pain washes over,
soon I’m numb.
To sad to care,
to broken to feel.
So alone.
So lost.

Light fades
darkness covers the land.
Other people think the dark is a foe.
The dark is a friend.
A beautiful friend.
A friend who hides your tears.
A friend who tells no one your shame.
Some people are afraid of the dark,
I embrace it.
It’s a comforting friend,
who tells no one your sorrows.
However, darkness fades & light comes.
Another dreary day to live.

You threw me down,
Like an unwanted cigarette butt.
In addition, you just better not try
to step on me.
Cause I just might
set you on fire.

I turned to look,
into the shiny window,
only not to find,
that I am here.
Instead, there is someone
like me, smiling,
but not the eyes,
still wet from the tears.
I shed from all the,
Pain I felt because of what;
you have done to me.
So, don’t ask me to smile,
and don’t play those silly games,
to try and make it all better.
Because the pain just runs,
far too deep beyond the skin,
and it irritates me.
But I can’t rip it out,
because it’s still a little,
part of,

* Do you? *
Do you feel my hate
my sad possession?
Do you really know me
as I suffer from depression?

Do you even care
or is it just a figure of speech?
Do you bother to get close to me
or am I just out of reach?

If I died, would you care
would you cry all night long?
Would you feel guilty for my death
feeling you may have done something wrong?

Do you feel my pain?
Does it linger in your heart?
Does life treat you bad?
Whenever we’re apart?

Do you feel like you love me
or is it just how it seems?
Do you think about me
or is it all in a dream?

Don’t let them fool you,
they don’t really care,
the love that you thought you had,
is not really there,
just an illusion, sinking into your brain,
you’ll wake up one day,
and feel the true pain.

Don’t pretend you know what I’m going through.
I’ve heard a million stories and I’m not ready to let them help me.
I want this pain.
I want you to know that I am mad,
That I am angry.
I want you to know that I hate, and this is how I yell.
I will cut until I can’t bleed anymore,
or until they start to bleed.
The razor seems to be the only thing that makes sense to me.
How come I feel that this is my only communication.
I will cut until you are quiet.
Because you have no idea the pain that I feel, the way I feel.
I am angry, confused, and frustrated and I want the whole world,
I want the whole world to look at my arm and say, she deserved better.

Hidden Pain
The hidden pain that swallows me whole.
I feel it every time you glare at me and make me feel like nothing.
You sit content in your little world, of denial and hurt.
You take your pain out on everyone else.
I hate when talk to me like you control me,
I hate when you think I don’t know what your doing.
So that’s why;
that’s why I take the pain you place upon me,
and place it in the hands of hurt and anger.
I sit in the corner in the dark,
as I place the razor to my skin.
I wonder why I let you do this to me,
I wonder why I am not strong enough,
to walk away from you and say,
that I will be out of here one day.
I run the razor down my arm,
watch the blood fall down on the floor.
I don’t feel the physical pain;
just the emotional scare that put me to shame,
now you know what you do to me.
I hate you for that and I hope you see,
I control my pain.

Wicked Butterfly
Snowflake wings, a frosted delicacy.
An emotional prism of pure ecstasy.
Bittersweet, bittersweet.
Spiralling down Blue Heavens Street.
Destruction, corruption,
Making life even more obsolete.
This ice queen in flight
shatters the beauty in crystal light.
And in the kingdom of flowerbeds,
She tears to shreds.
Every dream or thought inside the childrens’ heads.
Oily bubbles ascend from tar,
The lace of evil lingers not too far.
Beware the fatal breath,
Watering eyes, and a splash of laughter.
Watch out for death.
That’s what she is after.
Mysterious dust of candied ignorance,
The dark star sheds false intelligence.
She hates your heart.
She loves your soul.
She wants your mind.
She craves control.
Erratic motives processed to confuse,
The despairing abuse,
She puts to use.
Continue to travel,
Just to unravel,
The secret of a fantastic nightmarish creature.
Small but deadly, pure but wronged,
The ways of her mind,
Instinctively designed.
So that there is no chance, you will ever reach her.

I Didn’t
I didn’t cry when you hit me.
I didn’t scream when you touched me.
I didn’t tell that you hurt me.
I didn’t care that you drank.
I didn’t mind that you swore.
I didn’t try to stop you.
I didn’t feel love for you.
I didn’t cry when I hit you.
I didn’t scream when you bled.
I didn’t tell that I killed you.
I didn’t care that you were dead.
I didn’t mind your absence.
I didn’t try to make it easy.
I didn’t feel any remorse for you, Step-Daddy.

Summer days will always stay in my memory.
United we all had our fun in the sun.
My days were filled with smiles and laughter.
My memories are filled with joy and love.
Either my friends or family I consider them the same.
Reminders of those days fill me with wonder and awe.

Days went and we had to leave but we knew we would be back.
As always we talked about everything even when we weren’t there.
You guys have been with us through thick and thin and we are glad.
So I write to say our thanks and let you know our love.

I didn’t mean to walk out on you this way.
Sorry but my feelings have changed.
I would only hurt you more if I stayed.
I can’t keep on living this lie.
I finally found the strength to say goodbye.
I’m leaving behind what we had... Yesterday.
Know this,
It’s not somebody else,
It’s not you.
Throughout this time
I’ve realised,
been holding this in for too long.
Now I have to stay strong... Can’t turn back.
I’ve been there for you, but now I must do.
What I should have... Yesterday.

Addiction (Just Don’t Take Him Away)
I hate you addiction
I want you to go away
You’re stealing my best friend
A little more each day.

I envy you so much
You get him all the time
If you weren’t in his life
He’d be doing just fine.

I can’t understand why
Because it never pays
To give up plans for the future
For a few moments in a daze.

You’re not worth his pain.
You’re not worth his fears.
For you made him blind to know why
He sees me shed him many tears.

How do you make him laugh?
Because I’ve made him laugh too.
But I guess I see it now.
He’d rather do it with you.

How do you make problems
Seem to disappear within the hour?
Yet they come back that same day
Nothing fixed & very sour.

Why is this addiction
Something he just can’t defeat?
Why is it when you come around
I’m so obsolete?

Why does he depend on you
When you’re brainwashing his mind
It’s a mental addiction
He don’t need you in his life.

Please find someone else
Another victim for you to prey
Take control of anyone you want
Just don’t take him away.

The Cure
The secrets of me lie deep inside
Of feelings of sorrow that I have to hide
Wearing a mask so nobody can see
What the true meaning is to being just me.
So afraid to confide.
All that’s bottled inside.
Fears of reactions push me away.
Loss of security leads me astray.
I’ve cashed in my chips.
I’ve thrown in the towel.
I’ve stopped chasing dreams.
And I’m starting to fall.
Could it be I’m just too scared?
Or is it because I’m never prepared?
No, that can’t be why.
I’m used to this you see, because it happens every-time.
Each guy I meet always seems to have the same story line.
He uses me constantly because I have a giving heart.
And not long after he slits my tender soul apart.
Once words are spoken.
My heart is then broken.
Off he always goes.
When I need him the most.
The love in my life walks away without doubt.
Is this what a relationship is all about?
What did I do to deserve all this pain?
To be a returning contestant in a never-ending brain game?
There’s nowhere to run because there’s not a place that far.
That can rid me from all my emotional scars.
From all the broken trusts and promises of the one I thought really cared.
Causing what I think is loved to be unclear and impaired.
Is there someone out there that can lead me back.
To living my life on the right track?
Is there anyone who sees behind that blindfold of lies?
And knows the true reasons to why I must cry?
I can’t find a reason to doing right things anymore.
When I finally get to that place, there’s a lock on the door.
There’s only one person who carries the key.
And can lead me in the direction I need to be.
He doesn’t know how and he didn’t know then.
And I can’t tell you how and I can’t tell you when.
I know this is true because I believe in my heart.
I can pull a 180 if I have a new start.
I live my life on my own now as you can see.
If I weren’t around, would you miss me?
Answers for now seem to be unsure.
Because, I can’t find a way to grab onto the cure.

*My dreams*
Am I doomed to live like this?
I cant get you out of my mind,
its as if we've been combined...
you are every, around the corners,
down the streets, except these visits,
are not very happy treats.

You stalk me like I am your prey,
and this time my dreams start to convey.
Why do you stalk me in my dreams,
because every time I see you...
I just hear your screams.

It scares me to think about you,
what the heck are you?
Just a man in black...
come to get me one day,
so I will sit here, and start to pray.

Get away from me, you scary freak!
You stalk me day and night,
you are with me, in and out of sight,
so let me run, I need the light....

You are the man that I am afraid of,
the man, which I’ve been betrayed of,
you are the guy... I see, when I fly,
and now I know what’s next...

Its time for me to die,
is this true?
Or am I living a lie...
I will never know,
just another night,
with the scary man in black.

Maybe this time....
I will get a heart attack.

This was written by Jeremy Nagus and moi.

Once I dreamt of death
Now it dreams of me
Now only rats and rotting flesh
Can hear my silent plea.
My dreams of death
And silent pleas
Seem to have gotten
The best off me.
In a dark world
Of violence and rape
Now my dreams of death
Is self pity and worldly hate.
However, people have learned
Learned to block it out
So that they don’t care
They have nothing to care about
I see darkness
You see light
I see chaos
You see might
What a difference
Our eyes do see
I see the truth and
You look through me
I’ll stab your back
If you stab, mine
And in insanity
You’ll trust my kind
My kind of hate and destruction
Of a young morbid meager life
So soon so quick with speed
I saw you withdraw a knife
My friend that won’t work
You won’t do it
All you can do is
Throw a wordly fit
So the end will com to us all
So whats the pont in trying to beter
We're all full of hate
So it doesn’t matter
You can drink my blood
But ill be licking your wound
No one quite knew
The end was so soon
So soon so slow
so painful so quick
I feel like killing
Some self centered prick
Let my anger out through hate and
Destruction and pain
I feel the shame
I've gone insane
I just wish, wish I could escape
Who gives a fuck?
Cause my life sucks
I just know one thing
I won’t give up
I can't remember my name
I can't remember at all
Finding you from past times
I think how did we ever fall once
Give to darkness
One adapts
And once turned over to darkness
There’s no turning back
Your feelings, I can't help to reveal I’m sorry,
I don't feel the same
My heart inside constantly hates
I’m sorry I just throw you away
All my life the lies I’ve woven
Have comeback to ahunt me
and often to taunt me in their sick and
demented waYS!
I tell my lies In addition,
I despise Just to get up to you
I run away and you still stay
So, what the fuck is with you
Why do I have a conscience?
All it does is fuck with me
Why do I have a mind?
All I want is to be away
Away from this
Away form this
Fucked up craziness.

Tears Of Blood
Life’s like a terrible nightmare
A bad dream from which you can’t wake
But this time it’s real
And there’s alot more at stake

We trust each other
We trust humanity
But we really shouldn’t
Because It’s all insanity

Everyone’s crazy
Everyone’s scared
To no one ever
is the pain spared

But people have learnt
learnt to block it out
So that they don’t care
They have nothing to care about

I cry tears of blood
Because weather you have one true friend
or a hundred to spare
They’re all the same in the end

Everyone’s just in it for themselves
They don’t give a damn about you!
No matter how horrible the acts are
They’re going to do what they want to

So much anger so much hate
But I don’t even dare
I don’t dare to even try
try to make people care

Because they’re not worth it
Because they’re all the same
They stab you in the back
And then enjoy their shame!

I cry tears of blood
Because of empty words
They promise this and swear that
But in the end, it’s all just words

“You get what you give”
What Bullshit
“You get what you take”
That’s just the way it is

I cry tears of blood
for your lost soul
Because no one cares
No one at all

I know your hate
I know your fear
I know the tears of blood
You cry year after year

But it’s the price of life
You must feel pain
Tears of blood
You’re eyes must rain

You think you’re the only one
Who feels what you do?
We’re all just the same
We’re all like you!

You don’t think so
Because you don’t want to admit
Admit that you don’t care
That you don’t give a shit!

I cry tears of blood
Because that’s the cost
the cost of life
Paying back what we lost

We lost what we once had, Innocence
We lost what we almost had, control
We lost what we all should have, emotion
And it’s the tears of blood that pay the toll

You cry your tears
And I’ll cry mine
Because in the end
We all die

So what’s the use
of trying to be better
We’re all the same
So it doesn’t matter

It doesn’t matter
who you are or what you do
Because no one cares
They just don’t care what you do

But if those tears of blood
Are too high a price
Some people escape
By ending their lives

It’s not too high for me
But I don’t want to pay
To live in this world
is just torture anyway

So my tears of blood
I let run down my throat
And they’re choking me now
But, so what

I run away from everything
And no one understands
They think its just my way
Of making other plans
No one can compare
To the feelings that I share
It always seems to amaze them
But theyre never really aware
I could easily be smiling
Holding back the tears
you would never notice
That Im hiding from my fears
Outside I am so happy
Smiling all day long
You think its all so great for me
But you dont know youre wrong
Hiding is my protection
From things I can not control
You never take the time
To look into my soul
My mask has grown stronger
With each and every lie
But all the thoughts inside my head
Are wishing I would die
Every waking moment
Is disturbed by thoughts of death
All the time I wonder
When is my last breath?
So save yourself the best you can
Dont hide the way you feel
Life is very precious
But my thoughts are very real
Dont let yourself be overtaken
By things that are often said
Before you have a chance to smile
You could very well be dead
Thoughts can be like scorpions]
Their sting can be so strong
Stay far away from thoughts that are deadly
Dont think them very long
Or you could end up just like me
With no where left to turn
Youll grab the knife so willingly
And you will never learn
There is a lesson to my life
You may not understand
Dont let yourself fall aimlessly
You dont know where youll land

Pain envelopes me.
knowing that I was there.
seeing every detail of that day.
begging and screaming for his life.
His face,
so full of pain, so full of fear.
Blood, guns, death.
Haunting my every dream.
stealing his soul.
For what?

Do I seem so wicked?
So morbid? So full of death and hate?
I dont mean to be
Its all just a meaningless lie you misunderstood from the beginning
I have not killed myself
Nor anyone else for that matter
I do not worship Satan
I am not the leader of a cult
Yes, I do harm to myself on occasion
Yes, I am sad most of the time
That does not mean I am a sad, suicidal machine
I do have feelings
My trust of people can be broken
My life will one day end
Whether it is by my hand or anothers is my business
Not yours
I am not scary
I am not deranged
I am not stupid
I am me.

We beg, we borrow
We give, we steal
We beg eternity
From a TV screen
Get into heaven,
Five dollars the fee!
We steal a forbidden kiss
In a bathroom stall
Ill love you forever
(Til I dump you next fall)
We give our lives away
For our 15 minutes of fame
When you turn to alcohol
Its your boyfriend they blame
We borrow safety
At the cost of anothers life
The death penalty makes it ok
Now he wont kill your wife
We beg, we borrow
we give, we steal
As long as Im ok, who cares about you?
Well, thats life

I have seen distraught, hate, destruction,
and all of it. All that was before I met you
and looked into your eyes and saw love,
compassion, and care. If I had never looked upon
your eyes, I would still be what I was instead
of what I am. It is all because of you. You
brought sunshine in the rain surrounding me.
You made me see the light and not the dark.
So I make this poem to you, me amore, and I
hope you know how I feel about you.

Her Tears of Blood
Youd think her tears were clear,
And light,
Just like yours and mine,
But their not,
Their red,
As red as Blood,
And thick,
As thick as blood,
Her tears are blood
Because he hurts her,
Hurts her in such a bad way,
That her tears are abnormal,
Even though they arent like that,
In reality to you,
In reality to everyone who loves her,
They are blood,
Because they can see what you,
Obviously cant,
You never see her tears of blood,
Because you dont look,
Hard enough,
Maybe you dont care,
Maybe you just dont know what love is,
So you cant love her,
Maybe you just dont try to look hard enough.
Maybe thats why you cant see her tears of Blood

Email: aphotic@yahoo.com

Aphotic, © 2001