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Research and Statistics

See also Program Design & Evaluation
US Census Bureau Census data base and other informationPackaged Kidstats Links to several sources of statistics including KidsCount
SAMHSA Data bases and text files with substance abuse and mental health statisticsYARN The Youth Affairs Research Network at the University of Melbourne
National Clearing House for Youth Studies Publications, conferences, training, links to other research sitesGuide to Statistical Computing Resources on the Internet This guide is designed to serve as a central location for finding internet resources on statistical computing, and is intended to be used primarily as a reference resource
The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health Add Health is a school-based study of the health-related behaviors of adolescents in grades 7-12. It has been designed to explore the causes of these behaviors, with an emphasis on the influence of social contextSocial Statistics Briefing Room Links to current U.S. federal statistics on crime, demographics, education and health
Assessing the New Federalism A multi-year Urban Institute research project. The State Database includes information about income security, health, child well-being, demographic, fiscal and political conditions, and social services in each state.



See also Health HIV Resources
Teen Sexuality in an Culture of Confusion This work is the result of a four-year documentary study of teenagers by photojournalist Dan Habib. The documentary profiles eight young people of diverse race, ethnicity, socio-economic level, geographic locale, and sexual orientation. With power and passion, they share their personal experiences and outlooks on a wide range of issues, including peer pressure, family, homosexuality, religion and their decisions about how and when to act on their own sexuality. Two of the eight talk about living with AIDS. SIECUS SIECUS develops, collects, and disseminates information, promotes comprehensive education about sexuality, and advocates the right of individuals to make responsible sexual choices
Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., is the world's oldest and largest voluntary reproductive health care organization We Are Your Children Too Accessible child welfare services for lesbian, gay and bisexual youth
Youth Assistance Organization A safe space on line for GLBT? youth Queer Youth Resources Links to other web resources
Josh Jensen's Home Page A gay youth's links to resources !OutProud! National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Youth
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention: A Practitioner's Guide Robert Hughes, Jr. & Dalauna Sutton Department of Family Relations and Human Development Ohio State University Extension present a report on the most effective teen pregnancy prevention programs Creating Safe Schools for Lesbian and Gay Students: A resource guide for school staff Youth Pride, Inc.


Substance Use and Abuse

See also Emotions & Behavior Health
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University Facts and implications about alcohol, tobacco and other drug useCenter For Substance Abuse Prevention Lead agency for federal prevention efforts
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment A gateway to information about and research on treatment methodsWeb of Addictions Information about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs assembled from a variety of sources
CREW 2000 Drug information compiled by a youth group in ScotlandJoin Together Online A national resource center and meeting place for communities working to reduce substance abuse
PREVLINE National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug InformationFacts About AOD Physiological effects and incidence of use numbers
Virtual Clearinghouse on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs A collaborative effort of a number of organizations having an interest in disseminating high quality information about the nature, extent and consequences of alcohol, tobacco and other drug usePush Harm Reduction Harm Reduction philosophy and interventions
Preventing Drug Use Among Children and Adolescents: A Research Based Guide This guide is designed to provide important research-based concepts and information to further efforts to develop and carry out effective drug abuse prevention programs



Stop Family Violence Information about prevention and treatment of family violenceGangs An urban ethnology of Latino street gangs in Los Angeles and Ventura counties
Research Review: Gang Violence and Prevention From Washington State UniversityViolence Prevention Resources These resources can help you, your school, neighborhood or city to learn what fosters violence and what can be done to prevent it and to begin conflict resolution and keep our kids safe
Gangs Links and downloadable files from the National Criminal Justice Review Service


Youth Empowerment

See also Child Welfare Youth Rights
Double Standard for Youth Involvement More often than not, the degree of involvement by young people in decision making is subject to a double standard for youth involvement Youths as Community Builders, Steve Fortier
Are Youth at RISK? Reevaluating the defecit model of youth development, Kirk A. Astroth
Reclaiming Youth At Risk: Our Hope For The Future by Larry Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg and Steve Van Bockern


Youth Rights

See also Child Welfare Youth Empowerment
YouthSpeak An organization that works to defend the rights of youth Advocates For Youth Representation A Minnesota non-partisan coalition promoting youth participation in government
AS FAR Americans for a Society Free from Age Restrictions DeclarationThe National Child Rights Alliance NCRA seeks to change economic, social, legal, medical, cultural and parental practices that harm youth, as well as acknowledge that youth can and should be important contributors to our society, with many of the rights and priveleges and responsibilities that our society currently denies them
The Rights of Kids in the Digital Age, Jon Katz, Wired Magazine


Youthwork and the Internet

The Cyberspace Youth Club A personal perspective of opportunities for using information technology in Hampshire, by Mark HardingOnLine Communications: Newsgroups; Mail Lists and Electronic Newsletters
community-youth-work A place to share information, ideas, skills and resources of relevance to the study and practice of community and youth work
The YARN Mailing List An electronic discussion group focusing on youth research
Experiential Education This AEE page lists a number of mail lists related to experiential education as well as links to other resources
Youth Field Xpress An on line newsletter of youth and youthwork issues. Available through e-mail or at this site on the web


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