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University of Glamorgan Christian Union Homepage
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  • Campus Crusade for Christ International. Ministering to the student world.

  • Christian Students in Science Look at current ideas, ask questions and discuss online anything about science and Christianity with the experts! .

  • International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES)

  • Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF). A member movement of IFES that provides resources, training, advice and encouragement to help students in Christian Unions in the UK and Ireland.

  • Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) Fellowship of Christian Doctors and medical students throughout the UK and Ireland. Good for information and resources on topics such as medical ethics, euthanasia and much more.

  • Evangelical Alliance

  • Big Ideas Big Ideas is a trust based in South Wales, but with a UK vision, dedicated to serving Churches and Christian organisations and advancing Christ's kingdom.

  • Word Alive. More details about a Christian Student festival held annually each year in the UK.

  • Ambassadors for Christ. An organisation dedicated to building Christian character. Discipleship training in basic disciplines of the Christian faith for students.

  • University Bible Fellowship. International Christian Evangelical organisation aimed to teach students the Bible.

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  • All Nations Christian College. Training Christians to reach out to a multi-cultural world. Providing cross-cultural training.

  • Evangelical Theological College of Wales Training Christians for ministry home and abroad.

  • London Bible College (LBC)

  • London Theological Seminary (LTS) Founded by the late great Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

  • Moody Bible Institute One of the best Bible Colleges in the United States founded by the evangelist, D.L.Moody.

  • Redcliffe College. A British Bible college specialising on cross-cultural training and missions.

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  • Action Partners. Working with CU's and Churches to bring about interest and participation in missions.

  • Arab World Ministries (AWM). One of the leading missions working amongst Muslims in the Middle East. Also provide short term opportunities for students

  • Baptist Missionary Society (BMS).

  • Christian Business International. An organ of Christian Corps International (CCI). A good site for business students.

  • Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) International. (Formerly the China Inland Mission). Working amongst people in South-East Asia. Also provides short-term missionary work for students.

  • S.I.M.(was the Sudan Interior Mission) SIM members now follow God's leading to unreached people groups in Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, and North America.

  • U.F.M. (Unevangelised Fields Mission)

  • Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC).

  • Wycliffe Bible Translators.

  • Youth With A Mission (YWAM). Facilitating Christians for missions

  • YWAM - UK.
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    Christian Charites

  • Christian Aid. Christian Aid works in over 60 countries helping people, regardless of religion or race, to improve their own lives and tackle the causes of poverty and injustice.

  • Christian Solidarity International. An interdenominational human rights organisation for religious liberty, helping persecuted Christians and others suffering repression, victimised children and victims of disaster.

  • Interserve. A mission dedicated in spreading the Gospel through care and service.

  • Oasis Trust. Charity dedicated to showing faith at work.

  • Operation Christmas Child Operation Christmas Child is a special project where you can send a personal Christmas present in a shoebox to a needy child overseas. Now part of Samaritan's Purse.

  • Samaritans Purse A Christian charity that specialises in meeting the physical and spiritual needs of victims of war, poverty, natural disaster and disease with the aim of sharing God's love through Jesus Christ

  • Tear Fund A Christian charity with the aim to serve Jesus Christ by enabling those who share evangelical Christian beliefs to bring Good News to the poor.