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-- H O M E --

ATO Institutions

There are three institutions, which operate under the umbrella of ATO :
  1. Arab Towns Development Fund: It is specialized in financing projects of member towns through medium term soft loans. It is headquartered at the General Secretariat in Kuwait and has its own legal personality. Its resources come from allocations from Arab governments and contributions from member towns and public and private financial institutions.

  2. Arab Urban Development Institute: It is the scientific and documentation body of ATO headquartered in Saudi Arabia. The basic goals of AUDI is conducting training programs in all fields of municipal services, town planning and management and it also supervises the training courses held by ATO for personnel of member towns' municipalities for upgrading their skills and capabilities. AUDI is also responsible for establishing a data center for compilation of municipal documents, information and legislation as well as conducting surveys, studies and researches for development of municipal work of member towns.

  3. ATO's Award: The aim behind this award is to encourage the preservation of the Arab Islamic character of architecture in Arab towns, as well as the preservation of their historic buildings through their renovation and re-utilizing them in the present daily life of towns. The Award is headquartered in Qatar.

  4. Arab Cities Environment Council: On May 1997, the IV General Congress approved the establishment of a fourth institution specialized in environmental affairs. The Arab Cities Environment Council (ACEC) is expected to be in operation in June 2000 and will be located in Dubai, U.A.E. The (ACEC) is a specialized institution in Environment and Sustainable Development in the Arab Region.