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...Earth music of peace, tranquility, and spirituality for alternative healing...


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Prayers for Peace

Peace Dove


It is amazingly thought provoking the resemblance of thoughts and beliefs of our fellow man throughout the world with regard to "World Peace". Here are various prayers for peace from a broad spectrum of religions and cultures. Please take the time to read these and compare the compelling thoughts on this subject to one another. In essence, we truly are all but one. When humankind arrives at this realization, then peace shall come to us all. To obtain peace within ourselves, our own priorities and perspectives must be properly placed. Love is the highest of all emotion and thought, and with that perspective inner peace will come. We must remain open-minded and value the thoughts of others just as we do our own. Because one thinks differently does not mean their thoughts are wrong. You must weight this without prejudice for a heart without prejudice is a heart at peace.



Native American Prayer for Peace

Buddhist Prayer for Peace

Bahai' Prayer for Peace

Sikh Prayer for Peace

Native African Prayer for Peace

Hindu Prayer for Peace

Jewish Prayer for Peace

Muslim Prayer for Peace

Christian Prayer for Peace

Shinto Prayer for Peace

Jainist Prayer for Peace

Zoroastrian Prayer for Peace

Planetary Healing Circle


MP3 files of élan's music are now available at Music Freedom full-length CD versions - check them out!

Wind Walker, Seer, Through Eagle Eyes, Mystic Waters, Through the Healing Door, Distant Realms, Journey of the Ancients, and Afrika CDs are now available at





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Page Last Updated 07/06/2006