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What AzN PRidE Really Is::

Some call it a gang, some call it a clique, others say it is just a trend. Whatever it is, AP, or Asian Pride, is a concept that should not be ignored.

AP exists among teenagers at many high schools in various degrees. Taken literally, Asian Pride can be explained as an attitude of dignity and respect for one's Asian ancestry.

A problem occurs, however, when this attitude of self-respect is taken to the extreme and becomes one of abhorrence and intolerance of other cultures.

There is nothing wrong with having pride for one's ethnicity, but it is unacceptable to shun others because of their different background. At this point, it is not called pride anymore, but hate. This attitude is also referred to as racism.

The irony is that Asia, the continent east of the Ural Mountains, includes more than just the "orient." Technically, Indians and Russians are Asians also. However, the so-called Asian Priders are usually Korean and Chinese.

This idea of AP often leads to tensions among various groups of teens. Fights and other forms of violence may result between "Asians" and non-Asians. Many of these conflicts erupt because the Asian Prider feels insulted or "disrespected" by someone of another race.

Because he can not lose face, the Asian feels the need to defend himself and confrontations occur. These troublemakers, who give the concept of Asian Pride and all Asians a bad name, are despised by many Asians and non-Asians alike.

The Asian Pride attitude of hostility basically reverts back to the juvenile debate over who is better. It is possible to have Asian Pride without the hate and prejudice. Anything more than pride is childish and absurd.

This immature bickering stands in the path of racial tolerance and leads to an endless cycle of resentment. When teenagers have this racist disposition, they will have a hard time assimilating into a multiethnic society as adults.

Yo Yo Yo WeLcoMe To THe AzN PRidE HaNGZ OuT HeRE!

This page is intended to bring out da AzN PRidE. It's not to instigate racism or brawls between Azns and Non-Azns worldwide.
I will not be responsible for any brawls whatsoeva



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