Jen and Friends Kickin' Site

Hoy estamos

Hello and welcome to my website. My name is Jen if you haven't caught on to that yet. Anyways I've done some recent updating yet again cause i changed my whole perspective on things and i'm not the person I was when I first started this so I'm rebuilding the site to match my new image. Anyways enjoy your visit to my site and come back soon.

If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback please email me!!!

This page was last updated April 11, 2004


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Stuff on this site that is about Jen (aka me)

Stuff About Me


Melissa's Page



Pictures... Part 2

It's Us In Toronto!!!

It's Us Skiin' and Boardin' in Fernie, BC!!!

Us in Banff AB, 2001

When I met Sugar Jones Pics

People With Wicked Hair Page