Wicked Hair and Warped Pastimes

This is now the Wicked Hair and Warped Pastimes Page! I decided to change it because certain people (YOU) did not send any pics into the site. So I figured I'd add to it for a good laugh and because no one believes how weird and warped me and my friends really are, so kick back and enjoy your time laughing at how dumb we are!

Send Pictures to Jen

Here's a pic of Justin after he dyed his hair.

Here's a pic of Darren (guy on far right)This guy has some of the most wickedest hair styles I have ever seen. This pic ain't the best but oh well

Disco somethin or another in Brandon University, I don't really know.

People sleeping on the floor of Brandon University's Auditorium.

My wall of my room and all the stuff I have.

OOOOOHH a more zoomed out view of my room wall.

The official sport of tobogganing down the stairs lol.

It's hot lesbian sex minus the nakedness and minus the lesbians.


Facial expression counts just as much as speed in the sport of tobagganing down the stairs.
