
Well these are the pictures. There's about 50 right now but i'm working on putting more up soon!

Me when i went whitewater rafting in British Columbia. I am the one on the left side leaning in the most toward the middle. I am the one whose face is looking almost straight ahead... i'm not the guy whose head blends in with the boat! lol

This is a pic of my hockey team the first year i played!wow this pic is offly blurry! lol it looked nice before i scanned it! well anyways i'm the 4th one from the right!

This one was even worse when i scanned it! lol oh well i'll keep it small it doesn't look as bad. alright in this one i'm the tallest one in the back row and i have blonde hair but my face looks all distorted but so does everyone elses!

This is a pic of Kevin (my bro) and Brittney (Quinn’s sis) and Quinn

This is a pic of our Camero (yeah right!) Actually I took Quinn’s camra and went for a walk down the street and stood in the street and took a pic of this guys car and he seen me do it too so I finished taking the pic and decided I’d go on a nice long walk around the block!!! And then Quinn laughed at me!!!

This is a pic of Quinn sitting in my room when she was like I dunno 6 or so we thought it was funny so we put it up!


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