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New Polls: Added bi-monthly

Comments: Add a comment on the results page after you've voted- especially useful if you chose an answer such as "other" or "something else".

Retired Polls: After several months, polls will be closed and final results saved and displayed. Check them out here.

Retired Polls

Oct 2004 - Poll 9
My favorite scenes in CD were about:
The horse race and wager 22 (13%)
Mel's espionage & escape 12 (7%)
Balls and fashion descriptions 2 (1%)
Politics & the crown struggle 7 (4%)
Danric and Mel's fights 56 (33%)
Flauvic or magic 5 (3%)
Unknown's ring and letters 48 (29%)
Swordfighting, battles, riders 7 (4%)
Something else 6 (3%)
165 Total votes

  • I love Mel and Danric's fights. They were amazing, though Mel's escape(s) were pretty good too.
  • I love when Mel threw the candelstick and Danric caught it!!!!!!! Sooooooooo Fuuuuunnnnnnnnny!
  • Hehe, I wanted to pick the KISS too!! Definitely my favorite part. But all the stuff about the Unknown was pretty good. ...but that KISS! :P
  • What about when they KISS???!!! Hel-LO, that was MY favorite part. :) I mean, can you get any better than that? The other scenes were nice, but they just don't compare.

Oct 2004 - Poll 10
How many times have you read (and reread, and reread, and reread...) Crown Duel?
Just 1 time 3 (2%)
2-4 times 40 (29%)
5+ times 29 (21%)
10+ times 9 (6%)
20+ times 7 (5%)
So many, I can't remember! 44 (32%)
Other (add a comment) 2 (1%)
134 Total votes

  • I've read the whole book two times but I've reread the good parts over and over and over again (ie. all those times when Mel gets furious at you-know-who and starts throwing things, possibly candlesticks.)
  • I've done many book reports and referred all my friends to it. It's the number-one book of all time and I couldn't imagine how my life would have been without it!!!
  • Well I just finished it last week so now I'm re reading it! I'm doing book report on it for school.

Sept 2004 - Poll 7
If you could read only one more story from Remalna, it would have to tell of:
Savona-Tamara reconcilliation 8 (7%)
The Big War 39 (34%)
Mel & Vidanric's children 30 (26%)
Flauvic's future 8 (7%)
Mage training for Mel 15 (13%)
Tlanth Castle-Bran, Nee, Oria 2 (1%)
Another character 5 (4%)
Another event 5 (4%)
112 Total votes

  • I love these polls! There should be a poll section of polls on what movie stars should play the characters in the hypothetical movie! Fun!

Sept 2004 - Poll 8
Which of the book's social occasions would you most wish to attend?
Mel's first ball in Athanarel 5 (6%)
A Flower Day celebration 6 (7%)
Nee's Adoption Ball 19 (23%)
Riding party & picnic 9 (11%)
Country dances at Lumm inn 2 (2%)
Mel and Danric's wedding 27 (33%)
Informal friendly gatherings 9 (11%)
Other 1 (1%)
None-I roam with the Hill Folk 3 (3%)
81 Total votes

August 2004 - Poll 5
If you could have one object unique to the world of Crown Duel, which would you chose?
Glowglobes 6 (7%)
Impervious cloak 31 (40%)
Blue summoning stones 14 (18%)
Painted fan 8 (10%)
Colorwood furniture 7 (9%)
Jeweled flower headdress 7 (9%)
Other 3 (3%)
76 Total votes

August 2004 - Poll 6
Which character's attributes would you most like people to see in you?
Mel: courage and passion 31 (36%)
Danric: grace & sophistication 20 (23%)
Savona: charm and wit 6 (7%)
Nee: gentle kindness 14 (16%)
Tamara: beauty 1 (1%)
Bran: humor and ease 5 (5%)
Elenet: artistic ability 6 (7%)
Flauvic: mystery and power 1 (1%)
Other 1 (1%)
85 Total votes

  • This was hard! I mean, I'd want some of everything, you know?

July 2004 - Poll 3
If you could visit the world of Crown Duel, what would you most like to do there?
Ride the trails on horseback 3 (3%)
Learn to swordfight 12 (15%)
See the colorwood trees 3 (3%)
Dance with the Hill Folk 7 (8%)
See Athanarel & Remalna-city 5 (6%)
View a magic demonstration 1 (1%)
Tour the Renselaeus palace 2 (2%)
Meet the characters 47 (58%)
Something else 0 (0%)
80 Total votes

July 2004 - Poll 4
If you heard there was going to be a movie based on CD, the first thing you'd say would be:
Yesss! I'm off to buy tickets! 58 (71%)
Cool. Hope it turns out well. 10 (12%)
Eh... 4 (4%)
Nooo! They'll ruin it! 7 (8%)
Something else 2 (2%)
81 Total votes

June 2004 - Poll 1
If Meliara could go back in time, which of her mistakes do you think she would most want to correct?

Stepping in the steel trap 7 (6%)
Distrusting Vidanric 34 (33%)
Being caught by Debrigi 2 (1%)
Actions after Bran was shot 7 (6%)
Vomiting on Tamara's carpet 9 (8%)
Not suspecting Flauvic 20 (19%)
Other 1 (0%)
None-she would do it all again 21 (20%)
101 Total votes
  • D'oh! I forgot to add "Throwing the candlestick at Vidanric"! Oh well. -Shannon
  • If she never stepped in the steel trap, she never would have met Vidanric. ;)

June 2004 - Poll 2
Which of Mel's outfits would you most like to wear for a day?
Tunic and trousers 22 (21%)
Ara's blue dress with scarf 9 (8%)
Elestra's gown & tiny slippers 2 (1%)
Ranisia's restored jewel dress 9 (8%)
White & lilac first ball gown 33 (32%)
Pink Petitioner's Court gown 10 (9%)
Historical costume ball outfit 11 (10%)
Other 5 (4%)
101 Total votes
  • Cool poll
