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                                       Principal for a Day
                                            by Corey M.

     What fun sitting behind the principal's desk! I can not believe that I get to be the principal for a whole day!!! One of the first things I plan to do around here is to make P.E. longer. I will also add more running.  We need to get our kids in shape.  P.E. is fun, but it is too short.
     I will also be adding your choice of swimming, tennis, or skating to our day.  We need more sports. So, pick one and you will be on that team during the day.
     My office is totally whacko!!! It has balloons and candles everywhere.  I thought that I would have a little fun.
    Not very many kids come to my office.  But when they do, I talk to them until they understand why what they did was wrong.
     I have added chicken legs, sub, and ice cream to our menu.  At least the kids will have very good food for a day.
     Kids are starting to like school a lot more.  They say that I'm the best principal ever!  I agree!! The best part of my job is having my own phone.  The worst part is having my day end!

                                       The Never Stopping Land
                                                  by Maycee D.

     One day, in a land not far from Middling Meadow, was a place called The Never Stopping Land.  It got its name because nothing ever stops there. What I mean by that is the grass and flowers never stop growing, the sun never stops shining, except at night, the river never stops flowing and the nice cool wind never stops blowing. Ah, yes, everybody loves it there. It's the best place for a picnic or fishing and even tag. Over there, it's like a dream come true place, very nice and peaceful. Every person who lives there can hardly believe it's a real place.
    A while later, when things were going great, everything suddenly stopped!  All the people were surprised. they never thought anything like this would ever happen.  Everyone sat around and some walked around wondering what was going on. They looked, looked, looked and looked, but couldn't find the problem. Everywhere you went all you heard were questions and complaints, such as, "What happened?", "I'm leaving!", "My water isn't working!" Oh, and so much more.  It was so nerve wrecking that nobody could take it. In a flash, everybody was gone.  Only four people stayed.
     As soon as everyone was gone, those four people tried to figure out the problem. They decided to split up. One person would find out why they grass and flowers weren't growing, one would see why the river stopped flowing, one would wind out why the sun wasn't shining and one would see why the wind had stopped blowing.  They searched for a long time, but couldn't find a clue. All of a sudden, the person that was seeing why the grass and flowers weren't growing, found out why; the person that was trying to find out why the river had stopped flowing, found out; the person that was seeing why the sun had stopped shining figured it out; and the one person that was looking to see why the wind had stopped, finally figured it out.
     Suddenly, from every single direction you could hear people screaming their brains out. On one side you could hear, "I got it!" On the other side you could hear, "I know what the problem is! I know!"  From another part you could hear, "Hey, hey hey!  From the last side you could hear, "I figured it out! I figured it out!" So, when they finally reached each other, they were all out of breath. Each of them tried to talk, but couldn't. After a moment to breathe, the first person began, "The  reason the grass and flowers aren't growing is because something was put in the grass, so both the flowers and grass couldn't grow."  Then the next person said cheerfully, "The reason the river has stopped flowing is because there are a bunch of sticks in the way." Then, the next person who spoke, spoke too softly and had to say it again, "The sun isn't shining because there are clouds blocking it." Finally, it was the last person's turn to speak. " The wind has stopped blowing because of a climate change. So, there we go, everything is now saved."
    In the end, everything was fixed except for the sun and the wind. They needed to wait for the clouds to move out of the way, and the climate to change. Those four people were congratulated and thanked.  All of the people that had left came back and were so happy to know everything was back to normal. So, whenever you want to have a picnic, go fishing, or let your little kids play tag, come on over and enjoy at The Never Stopping Land.


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