Ocean Learning-Wolf's Home Page

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Waves on Rocks.....© 1997, Marty Francher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.
UPDATED 5/12/98 Peace to you, and welcome to my space...come in and take a look around. Here you will learn a bit about me, and my love for all to which I am connected. Here you can find a link to animal protection places, maybe find a book to read, see some of my art, read original poetry, maybe have a laugh, and meet some of the people and other creatures who enrich my life.

From my earliest childhood, I have felt an incredible emotional and spiritual connection to all animals, particularly canids. This connection, and my childlike wonder at my link to nature, was discouraged for many years, by family and society, as was my desire to communicate my visions of how life might be, and in many cases, how it should be. Like many around the world, I was encouraged to conform to the superficiality of society, and to concern myself with "outside" matters, rather than the development of my soul's connectedness.

Now, after many years, much pain and unhealthy doses of fear, I walk a different road. Like me, this road is rather like the sea -- full of ebbs and flows, with circuitous currents and some contradictions. As the name on my home page indicates, I am still learning my wolf ways...but I am finally learning. This site will be an exercise for me, and a guide to you, about what I am learning and from whom I learn it. Through it, you may come to know me better .... and perhaps, yourself as well. So come on in, leave the "outside" stuff behind, and be at peace...

Adopt Your Own Totem AnimalAdopt Your Totem Here

It is a sad reality that, in this world in which we live, too many people view animals, children and elder citizens as "disposable resources," and treat them as such. Many places in my site work to combat this view, and to teach visitors a better way. To that end, let me mention two important issues that are currently on my mind.

The first deals with our brother wolves to the north. While the fight is still going strong, and many people are at the forefront to protect the wolves in Yellowstone, Idaho, Minnesota, and other locations, our four-legged cousins in Canada are under constant threat from big-game hunting outfits catering to bored men with too much money to spend, and not enough compassion to spend it usefully or compassionately. One such firm, FOX LAKE OUTFITTERS, can be found on the web, and proudly broadcasts photos of so-called "happy customers" posing with dead wolves, grizzly bears, mountain goats and other such animals, which they have killed with high-powered rifles, in an effort to prove how masculine they are! Places like these need to be denounced and their supporters embarrassed into seeing that TRUE masculinity lies in protecting those who cannot speak for themselves. If you are opposed to ANYONE killing animals for sport (as opposed to food for the winter), you should visit this site and others like it and express your displeasure to its owners. You can also express your outrage by signing petitions such as the one listed below, to press for protection of the Canadian wolves before they are wiped out.

With more children on the internet all the time, it is important to be pro-active in the work of protecting them from the evils of our society. While I do not have children of my own, I keep in mind that they are the future for us all, and it is the duty of all to guide them. I do not oppose any free expression on the net, but do feel it is vital to guard the young against predators who would abuse their trust, or expose our youngsters to emotional or sexual dangers. To that end, I am including a link to a group entitled ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, whose goal is to protect children and families from the dangers of illegal pornography and on-line predators. I urge all parents, and others concerned with childrens' safety, to visit this site as well. I wish to thank my brother Ghost Wolf for sharing the information on this website, and praise him for his ongoing efforts in this area. You will find some of their websites here...please visit them, and help join the struggle to save our Brother the Wolf!!! This is urgent!

Readmy Dreambook!
Signmy Dreambook!

Some Things You Will See Here

  • Some Info About Yours Truly
  • Favorite Books, Pets and Photos!
  • Philosophical Meanderings
  • Gifts from my Friends

Visit Places Here & Elsewhere

Who I Am...And What I'm Thinking Today
A Treasure Chest Inside a Book
Gifts from Fellow SpiritMates of the Wolf!
Meet my Four-Footed Friends!
Some of my Photographs to View (or Buy)
Digital Art for Sale
Read Some of My Poetry
Help Protect Canadian Wolves
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Guard Children from On-line Predators

Email: thebadenoffs@msn.com