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I figured I ought to make a bunch of choose your own adventures while I'm at it! ^_^ What else to balance out a vampire story than a romance? Okay so vamp stories can be romance too, but still! Anyhow, like the Vampyre Chronicles you have the choice of a male or female character. Since I'm in an anime minded mood right now this story will based somewhat off of a typical shoujo series. If you're not familiar with anime or a shoujo series, don't worry! This will still make sense, and I still urge everyone to participate! ^_^

The basic plot that I have in mind (but will no doubt change ^_^) is a boy/girl having a crush, attending a uniform school, and it can go anywhere from there! ^^ See? Not so bad!

Who do you wish to be?

The Shy Guy?


The Gal Pal?

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